ebola in English


deadly virus originating in Africa

Use "ebola" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ebola" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ebola", or refer to the context using the word "ebola" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ebola was first identified in 1976 near the Ebola River in the DRC.

2. She became blind as the result of Ebola.

3. "Isolation pods will carry troops if they get Ebola".

4. The survivors of Ebola deserve our attention and support.

5. Ebola has undoubtedly wrought tremendous agony.

6. Bushmeat is believed to be the origin of the current Ebola outbreak

7. The plants are producing the protein that's Ebola resistant.

8. Bolten was a member of the international Ebola Anthropology Emergency Task Force, and co-edited a special issue on Ebola for Anthropological Quarterly in 2017

9. Ebola on one person's doorstep could soon be on ours.

10. * Ebola and Marburg virus disease epidemics: preparedness, alert, control, and evaluation

11. High population density provides fertile ground for any virus, let alone Ebola.

12. Even families can be split apart by fear of Ebola, too.

13. She died from Ebola virus disease during the 1976 epidemic in Zaïre.

14. So, for Ebola, the paranoid fear of an infectious disease, followed by a few cases transported to wealthy countries, led the global community to come together, and with the work of dedicated vaccine companies, we now have these: Two Ebola vaccines in efficacy trials in the Ebola countries --

15. And it wasn't until three months later that the world recognized this as Ebola.

16. The disease can cause bleeding (haemorrhage), fever and other symptoms much like Ebola.

17. Ebola means you can't hold your children the way you would in this situation.

18. Many serious diseases such as Ebola virus disease, AIDS, avian influenza, and SARS are caused by viruses.

19. Liberia's civil war had ended in 2003 -- that was 11 years before Ebola even struck.

20. In 1995, however, for every person who died of Ebola, 12,000 died of TB.

21. 1 They had established a running diagnosis of Rift Valley fever, dengue or the dreaded Ebola.

22. The Army Biowarfare lab that tests pathogens like Ebola reported 2 containment breaches this year

23. Acriflavine could fight the spread of viral outbreaks like SARS, Zika, and ebola, for example

24. The eyes of the world are focused on such infectious diseases as AIDS and Ebola.

25. The Democratic Republic of Congo saw the end of its second-worst Ebola outbreak in June

26. 9 The Ministry of Health (MoH), Uganda, has confirmed an outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever, in Bundibugyo District, western Uganda.

27. Biohazards themed gift box includes these mini microbes: Ebola, Toxic Mold, Anthrax, TB, and Brain-Eating Amoeba

28. Biohazards themed gift box includes these mini microbes: Ebola, Toxic Mold, Anthrax, TB, and Brain-Eating Amoeba.

29. Alcyon Pleiades 23-2: Elite on display: Corruption, Ebola scam, Mexican revolts and the rise of BRICs.

30. The public is also Continually terrorized by reports about SARS, BSE, hepatitis C, AIDS, Ebola, and polio

31. * Broadening the scope of existing emerging infectious disease preparedness plans to cover the Ebola virus disease (EVD).

32. UNICEF has also now distributed almost 7,000 metric tons of Ebola-related commodities in the three affected countries.

33. The Ebola response was not able to function because of one key element, a lack of treatment capacity.

34. And people immediately freak out about things about Ebola or smallpox, but the DNA from this organism is not infective.

35. Similarly, the socio-economic impacts of the 2014-2015 Ebola crisis in West Africa were severe among the affected countries.

36. The health-care system faces deeper systemic challenges that cannot be addressed overnight or only in response to Ebola.

37. Both conventional and self-Amplifying RNAs have shown protective immunization in preclinical studies against multiple infectious diseases including influenza, RSV, Rabies, Ebola, and HIV-1

38. Unintended consequences of the 'Bushmeat ban' in West Africa during the 2013-2016 Ebola virus disease epidemic Soc Sci Med

39. He lists diagnosis techniques and experimental treatments of the Marburg and Ebola diseases, from the traditional healers to the molecular Antisenses RNA approaches.

40. It will be easy for anybody to go ahead and print their own bio-virus, enhanced versions of ebola or anthrax, weaponized flu.

41. A woman who was in contact with at least 70 people has died of Ebola in a violence-plagued region of the Democratic Republic of Congo

42. Transportgebühr, davon gehen 5,83 € an Oxfam Deutschland e.V., die den Betrag direkt an Band Aid für die Ebola-Hilfe weiterleitet) www.Bandaid30.de

43. Autopsies have long been a source of breakthroughs in understanding new diseases, from HIV/AIDS and Ebola to Lassa fever — and the medical …

44. Antisera purified from the blood of Ebola survivors has been used to successfully treat people who have been exposed to the virus

45. It will be easy for anybody to go ahead and print their own bio- virus, enhanced versions of ebola or anthrax, weaponized flu.

46. “Introducing components such as inviting the family to be involved in digging the grave and offering options for dry ablution and shrouding will make a significant difference in curbing Ebola transmission.”

47. So if we want to be able to prevent epidemics like Ebola, we need to take on the risk of investing in vaccine development and in stockpile creation.

48. One of many reasons for its creation was to protect the gorillas from deadly Ebola epidemics that have wiped out other great ape populations in Central Africa.

49. The global health community working together defeated Ebola, and that ... that is how I know that we can defeat its aftermath in our hearts, in our minds and in our communities.

50. Sabue Mulangu1,2*, Matthias Borchert3,4, Janusz Paweska5, Antoine Tshomba6, Afongenda Afounde7, Amayo Kulidri7, Robert Swanepoel5,8, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum1 and Patrick Van der Stuyft3,9 Abstract Background: Factors related to the natural transmission of Ebola virus (EBOV) to humans are still not well defined.