easy prey in English

something easily hunted and killed (especially of an animal); person who is easily exploited or taken advantage of

Use "easy prey" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "easy prey" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "easy prey", or refer to the context using the word "easy prey" in the English Dictionary.

1. Easy prey.

2. We must not become easy prey!

3. 16 She was easy prey for dishonest salesmen.

4. Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.

5. 10 She was easy prey for dishonest salesmen.

6. Your Volkssturm is an easy prey for the Russians.

7. 22 Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.

8. 5 Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.

9. 24 She fell an easy prey to his charm.

10. 21 The baby fish are easy prey for birds.

11. 19 Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen.

12. (1 Peter 5:8) Who are easy prey for him?

13. Why does the Assyrian think that Jerusalem will be easy prey?

14. The newborn young are helpless creatures and easy prey for birds.

15. Not an easy prey to catch, even for the fastest of predators.

16. If a young lamb strayed from the flock, it would become easy prey.

17. Worse yet, they view any who sincerely try to do good as easy prey.

18. 3 He was easy prey for the two conmen who called at his house.

19. Then, as the softies were driven extinct, Harrington followed them, having no easy prey left.

20. Do not let a negligent attitude toward spiritual feeding leave you easy prey to his deceptive teachings.

21. Any straggler that fell behind or got lost in the darkness was easy prey for the enemy.

22. A spiritual crisis was brought about because many of their clergy became easy prey to higher criticism and evolution.

23. For one thing, logging roads provide hunters with easy access to forest habitats, where the now confused, and often displaced, animals become easy prey.

24. Caracal is a Turkish word meaning “Black-Eared.” Caracals love hunting guinea foul, a ground dwelling bird that makes easy prey for the cats.

25. Apatosaurus has been described as the original ‘gentle giant.’ Huge and harmless, these late Jurassic sauropods were easy prey for vicious predators — their only defenses being a thick whip-like tail and sheer body mass.