e'en in English

‘My good young man, eat up,’ said the priest, his face silhouetted, e'en for a dearth of sunlight to cast shadows in the cell-room.
forming diminutive nouns such as colleen.

Use "een" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "een" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "een", or refer to the context using the word "een" in the English Dictionary.

1. We have a trifling foolish banquet towards. -- Is it e'en so? why then, I thank you all;

2. Full sorely mony a lass would sigh, That chanced to wander near, An' peep into his e'en, to spy Iv love wur lurkin' theer; So fair an' free he stept o' th green, An' trollin' eawt his sung, Wi' leetsome heart, an' twinklin' e'en, Went Chirrupin' alung.

3. I keep my e'en shut, an' hark at the birds Chirrupin', an' think o' the little hand pluckin' at the sheet, an' the little voice

4. 14 I was not fond of pampering that susceptible vanity of his; but for once, and from motives of expediency, I would e'en soothe and stimulate it.

5. Or wavering like the Bauckie-bird, Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core

6. RecitativoWHEN lyart leaves bestrow the yird, Or wavering like the Bauckie-bird, Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies, In Poosie-Nansie's held …

7. Begirds some stately castle, sure defence Affording to the space within, so here Were model'd these; and as like fortresses E'en from their threshold to the brink without, Are flank'd with bridges; from the rock's low base Thus flinty paths advanc'd, that 'cross the moles And dikes, struck onward far …

8. Recitativo When lyart leaves bestrow the yird, Or wavering like the Bauckie-bird, Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies, In Poosie-Nansie's held the splore,

9. Whose meaning is the sum of all things Blent In fiercest harmony, Soft winds are calling on the cloudy deep, (Like foam-flowers falling from the breasts of Sleep Their Lotus-kiss is), such a world forestalling Of wanton blisses, that the fear of palling Makes e'en the Sirens weep

10. Or wavering like the Bauckie-bird, Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies, In Poosie-Nansie's held the splore, To drink their orra duddies; Wi' quaffing an' laughing, They ranted an' they sang,

11. Or wavering like the Bauckie-bird, Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies, In Poosie-Nansie's held the splore, To drink their orra duddies; Wi' quaffing an' laughing, They ranted an' they sang,

12. Or wavering like the Bauckie-bird, Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies, In Poosie-Nansie's held the splore, To drink their orra duddies: Wi' quaffing and laughing, They ranted an' they sang; Wi