drachm in English

a unit of weight formerly used by apothecaries, equivalent to 60 grains or one eighth of an ounce.
(in numismatics) an ancient silver coin based on the Attic or Hellenistic drachma.
Historical documents show that Chinese emperor Wudi was impressed with the solidus, as well as the silver drachm of Sasanian Persia, the standard currency along the Silk Road.

Use "drachm" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drachm" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drachm", or refer to the context using the word "drachm" in the English Dictionary.

1. Drachm Uploadlearningmedia Archradical

2. Boeotia, Federal coinage, AR Drachm

3. Azes, Silver drachm Weight: 2.14 gm

4. Ancient Indo-Scythians, (35BC-5AD), Azes II, AR Drachm, Very Fine quantity

5. We carry ancient Coins such as Greek Athens Owl, Alexander the Great Tetradrachm, AKRAGAS Scicily, Selecus I drachm, Sikyon stater, Lysimachos, Lydia siglos.

6. Also written as Drachm, this is the smallest unit of the Avoirdupois weight system where 1 dram is equal to 1.772 grams or 1/16 oz