dominos in English

any of 28 small oblong pieces marked with 0–6 dots (pips) in each half.
The document then analyses three countries (Britain, Spain and Poland) in depth, with a view to identifying the weakest link or the domino piece most likely to fall first.
a loose cloak, worn with a mask for the upper part of the face at masquerades.
There's a sense that possibly everyone knows who you are, yet wearing a mask (even a domino !) allows you to act differently from the way you might normally act.
    half mask

Use "dominos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dominos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dominos", or refer to the context using the word "dominos" in the English Dictionary.

1. In the afternoons we play cards and dominos, or you can rediscover French chateaux through oil painting.

2. What Is Confectioners' Sugar? Products marketed as Confectioners' sugar by brands like Dominos are actually made using powdered sugar

3. Peregrinationem et peccatorum Aggravationem in hominibus, quia et officium illud mixtuni est, magis tarnen fit commemoratio perfidie iudaici populi et peccatorum hu-mani generis, pro quibus Passus est Dominos, unde et officium illud dicitur pertinere ad tempus deviationis