Use "dissensions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dissensions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dissensions", or refer to the context using the word "dissensions" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Labour Party was torn by internal dissensions .

2. Unti1 1939 the Labour Party was bedevilled by internal dissensions on this issue.

3. • Unti1 1939 the Labour Party was Bedevilled by internal dissensions on this issue

4. Synonyms for Altercations include arguments, contentions, disagreements, disputes, dissensions, quarrels, rows, squabbles, wrangles and clashes

5. The dogma that Constantine championed was intended to put an end to dissensions within the fourth-century Church.

6. Dissensions, however, continued between Laudon and Lacy, and on the accession of Joseph II, who was intimate with his rival, Laudon retired to his estate near Kutná Hora.

7. There is no special allusion in the word "Bitterness" to disturbance of "peace" by dissensions; for this is not the idea in the original passage, nor is it carried out in the following verses of the Epistle

8. breach - division, splitting, splitting up — division - dissension — dissension - disunity — désunion - divergence — divergence - altercation, argument, conflict, contention, difference, difference of opinion, dispute, misunderstanding, strife — altercation, contestation, désaccord, différend, différends ''m plural'', dispute, divergence d'opinions, malentendu - dissentiment - mésintelligence - electricity, nervous tension, strain, stress, tenseness, tension, voltage — tension - mésentente - froid - friction - décalage - frottement - déphasage - dissidence - divorce - fossé - opposition - diplomatic incident — incident, incident diplomatique - réticence - fâche - differences in religion, religious differences, religious division — dissensions religieuses [Spéc.