disequilibrium in English

a loss or lack of equilibrium or stability, especially in relation to supply, demand, and prices.
In contrast to equilibrium theories, disequilibrium theories suggest that income differences among regions are likely to persist and even widen over time.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "disequilibrium" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disequilibrium", or refer to the context using the word "disequilibrium" in the English Dictionary.

1. Mineral disequilibrium.

2. Nothing, then, is both equilibrium and disequilibrium.

3. This does not explain the initial disequilibrium.

4. 18 In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.

5. 16 The Phillips curve: trade off or disequilibrium adjustment mechanism?

6. Secular disequilibrium of uranium can lead to erroneous results.

7. In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.

8. Figure 4 illustrates such a state of disequilibrium.

9. Interest rates reflect the disequilibrium between supply and demand.

10. The Phillips curve: trade off or disequilibrium adjustment mechanism?

11. Perpetual change means persistent disequilibrium, the permanent almost - fallen state.

12. For example, in Figure two initial disequilibrium states are depicted.

13. It is emphasized that some special problems of disequilibrium at Juniper Ridge uranium deposit have been solved. However, the quantification of disequilibrium still remains open.

14. Our planned economy is at once in equilibrium and in disequilibrium.

15. This can lead to prolonged disequilibrium and high unemployment in the labor market.

16. The unknown and the unpredictable can generate cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.

17. Initial coupling or repulsion disequilibrium with independent assortment had no effect on the observed acceleration.

18. The differences in the two aecial populations most likely resulted from linkage disequilibrium between virulences generated by host selection in the prairie uredinial population, compared with the lower initial level of disequilibrium in the relatively unselected eastern uredinial population.

19. Social interaction involving dialogue and argument over ideas, by its very nature, is an important source of disequilibrium.

20. It is imagination, and the irreducible sovereignty of the individual which engender disequilibrium and tension.

21. There may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.

22. The empirical results show that the self-adjustment mechanism can not rectify the disequilibrium of balance of payments of china.

23. Such interests, unique to the individual child, often reflect disequilibrium and are affectively charged sources of motivation.

24. It is a disequilibrium situation which can not survive as it offers investors a profitable arbitrage opportunity.

25. Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.

26. Assortative mating has been suggested to result in an increase in heritability and additive genetic variance through an increase in linkage disequilibrium

27. Basaltic andesites and andesites (SiO2 % = 50−59), erupted from Atitlán volcano located nearer to the trench, have the lowest degree of disequilibrium.

28. The competitive process arises out of disequilibrium in markets giving opportunities for entrepreneurs to exploit their superior information and earn profits.

29. 18 There has been a substantial literature on macroeconomic disequilibrium, but there is considerable disagreement about the appropriateness of different models.

30. Since the 1970s, IMF has been taking these main adjustment policies as countermeasures once severe disequilibrium of balance of payments occurred in its member states.

31. Chinas continued disequilibrium of balance of payments reflects shortcomings of the previous opening-up strategy, which has led to enormous welfare losses.

32. The impact of Assortative mating on linkage disequilibrium was explicitly examined for the two-locus model of Wright (1921) and two selective Assortative mating models.

33. Chondrite matrices have diverse mineralogies: most are disequilibrium mixtures of hydrated and anhydrous silicates, oxides, metallic Fe,Ni, sulfides, and organic material and contain rare presolar grains

34. The crystals occur in the disequilibrium assemblage calcite – phengite (2M1) – margarite – quartz – kaolinite – epidote –apatite found in Badshot marble from the almandine garnet zone of regional metamorphism.

35. Anhima.ld.plot_pairwise_ld(r_squared, cmap='Greys', flip=True, ax=None) [source] ¶ Make a classic triangular linkage disequilibrium plot, given an array of pairwise correlation coefficients between variants.

36. In Admixed populations, linkage disequilibrium (LD) exists both at a fine scale in ancestral populations and at a coarse scale (admixture-LD) due to chromosomal segments of distinct ancestry.

37. Admixture linkage disequilibrium (ALD) is created by the process of admixture and, in recently Admixed populations, extends for substantial distances (of the order of 10 to 20 cM).

38. • Triangular Arbitragers try to offset cross-rate disequilibrium • Triangular arbitrage is possible when a cross exchange rate (exchange rate between two foreign currencies) quoted by a bank differs from the rate calculated from dollar-based spot rate quotes

39. As the Beest’s topsail flaps back and forth in the wind and the wind stomachs “breathe in” air, it creates a pressure disequilibrium that forces the sweat glands’ soapy water up through the system of medical tubing, towards the Beest’s most sand-prone parts (like the backs of the knees).

40. By doing so the consortium aims to discover >95 % of the variants (e.g. SNPs, CNVs, indels) with minor allele frequencies as low as 1% across the genome and 0.1-0.5% in gene regions, as well as to estimate the population frequencies, haplotype backgrounds and linkage disequilibrium patterns of variant alleles.

41. The Clumping procedure takes all SNPs that are significant at threshold p1 that have not already been clumped (denoting these as index SNPs) and forms clumps of all other SNPs that are within a certain kb distance from the index SNP (default 250kb) and that are in linkage disequilibrium with the index SNP, based on an r-squared threshold