discusses in English

talk about (something) with another person or group of people.
I discussed the matter with my wife
synonyms:talk overtalk abouttalk throughconverse aboutdebateconfer aboutdeliberate aboutchew overconsiderconsider the pros and cons ofthrash outkick aroundhash outbat around

Use "discusses" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discusses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discusses", or refer to the context using the word "discusses" in the English Dictionary.

1. • Discusses approaches to Counterinsurgency

2. • Discusses the tenets of Counterinsurgency

3. His song "i" discusses his Christian faith.

4. It discusses whether Contextualism alone allows

5. Scott Hubbard discusses NASA's Astrobiology program.

6. This chapter fully discusses the Kosovo War.

7. Part II discusses the anti-Commandeering doctrine

8. Discusses characteristics of Cnidarians like jellyfish and corals

9. This magazine discusses values that transcend material wealth.”

10. Rambam discusses his own controversial background with reluctance.

11. Chapter 13 discusses allocation granularity in more detail.

12. John McCormick discusses such strategies that involve middleware.

13. Chapter 4 discusses autofocus based on complex image.

14. Maxime Rodinson discusses the nature of Arab nationalism.

15. The second chapter discusses the monotone operator functions.

16. This study discusses the problem Anachronism from various perspectives

17. This article discusses poisoning from swallowing Acetone-based products

18. This publication discusses distributions from individual retirement Arrangements (IRAs)

19. This paper discusses how iSCSI initiator implement on TOE.

20. This paper mainly discusses the third person pronominal anaphora.

21. This PBS Nova program discusses these types of Biorhythms briefly

22. Trigger warning: This essay discusses sexual assault and Acquaintance rape

23. The author discusses the pathogenetic aspects of posttraumatic bitemporal hemianopia.

24. You could give him a publication that discusses that subject.

25. 2 Professor Saltzman discusses the biophysics of the circulatory system.

26. AnadIGICS CEO Discusses Q1 2011 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

27. Offer: This article discusses additional principles along this line.

28. 13 He is too voluble; he discusses his emotions.

29. Afterwards, this Article discusses the content of maritime lien.

30. This poem discusses the difficult life of a sweeper.

31. It discusses God’s view of dishonesty, fornication, and other matters.

32. He also discusses the process of parsimony in Cladogram construction

33. Through metaphor and symbolism, Thoreau discusses the importance of nature.

34. In this week's bar class, Lerone discusses cordials, Aperitifs, and digestifs

35. The fourth chapter discusses the labyrinthine relationship between author and reader.

36. Discusses Rhapsody the style and "a capriccio" correlation of the terminology.

37. Your Audibles crew discusses an eventful, if predictable Week 12.

38. War Department intelligence report that discusses the use of Atabrine.

39. Service overseer or other qualified elder discusses information with audience.

40. Finally, it discusses some problems about longitude difference of ecliptic.

41. Chapter two discusses an appositive phrase composed of two nouns.

42. A gentleman never discusses the merits or demerits of a lady

43. This series of articles discusses how you can cope with tragedy.

44. The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government.

45. This article discusses what is an Armature winding, and its types.

46. Elder briefly discusses points from publications especially designed to assist youths.

47. This article discusses the lessons learned by survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

48. The useful introduction discusses changing attitudes to the depiction of nature.

49. It also discusses the characteristics of presupposition:the defeasibility and projection problem.

50. At last, it discusses the importance of the real property register.