disarmed in English

take a weapon or weapons away from (a person, force, or country).
guerrillas had completely disarmed and demobilized their forces
synonyms:demilitarizedemobilizelay down one's armsdemilitarizebeat one's swords into plowshares
allay the hostility or suspicions of.
his tact and political skills will disarm critics

Use "disarmed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disarmed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disarmed", or refer to the context using the word "disarmed" in the English Dictionary.

1. His frankness completely disarmed her.

2. His friendliness disarmed all opposition.

3. The police disarmed the remaining suspects.

4. Japan was disarmed in 19

5. She was disarmed by his logic.

6. All were disarmed by police demolition experts.

7. The robber was captured and disarmed.

8. 4 He disarmed her immediately by apologizing profusely.

9. The swordsman disarmed his opponent and ran him through.

10. It seems the entire world has been disarmed of nuclear weapons.

11. 10 His tact and political skills disarmed his critics.

12. Upon taking control, Hideyoshi decreed that all peasants be disarmed completely.

13. Frobisher was subsequently partly disarmed and reconverted into a Cadet Training Ship.

14. Her demenor disarmed any clients, or even the Bruskest of project managers

15. The ship was then disarmed and all but abandoned in the harbor.

16. The ship was disarmed in late August before entering Category C reserve.

17. It's an encounter with women on the edge of transition, discontented and yet disarmed.

18. In November 1916, Roon was disarmed and converted into a training and accommodation ship.

19. Synonyms for Conciliated include appeased, pacified, disarmed, mollified, placated, propitiated, reconciled, soothed, assuaged and gentled

20. The ÁVH were disarmed, often by force, in many cases assisted by the local police.

21. Croesus, though overwhelmed with anguish, was disarmed of all resentment at witnessing Adrastus's suffering

22. Kaiser Friedrich III was disarmed and used as a floating prison stationed in Kiel after 1916.

23. Synonyms for Conciliated include appeased, pacified, disarmed, mollified, placated, propitiated, reconciled, soothed, assuaged and gentled

24. 22 He'd disarmed her earlier on by profusely apologising for his role in the near-collision with the Kestrel.

25. The church building suffered as a result and in the bell tower there is still a disarmed bomb.

26. It's an amalgam slightly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs , but Sean is still clearly not to be messed with.

27. For $150 in gold, he acquired a handcar and the services of three Mexicans, whom he disarmed.

28. Brouhaha The women's unshaken determination to enter public space despite the Brouhaha of 1889 seems to have disarmed attacks

29. Having thus cleverly disarmed his remarks, he effectively placed the onus for taking them to heart squarely on Robby.

30. After Allied military units entered Cambodia, the Japanese military forces present in the country were disarmed and repatriated.

31. He'd disarmed her earlier on by profusely apologising for his role in the near-collision with the Kestrel.

32. In November 1931, under the terms of the London Naval Treaty, Iron Duke was disarmed and converted into a gunnery training vessel.

33. The bomb squad took the device to the basement and disarmed it by inundating it with a water cannon.

34. She was compelled to sue for peace and under the terms of the Treaty of Paris was disarmed on the Black Sea.

35. Players are required to complete the main scenario quest Heavensward before accepting the quest Disarmed from Slowfix (Idyllshire X:7.5 Y:6.5), which unlocks Alexander: Gordias.

36. Although a large scale effort at disarming militias has succeeded, with the aid of the UN troops, the last militias are only being disarmed in 2007.

37. Militia will be disarmed according to the December 2002 Ceasefire Agreement under the supervision of the African Mission, at the beginning of cantonment and Barracking exercises.

38. Blindspot viewers were shown two endings after Weller and Jane (who used her recent ZIP exposure to help her solve the case) disarmed the ZIP bomb in …

39. Neither of them was killed, and he was at once disarmed, but the next day a major newspaper featured on its front page the news of ‘a shooting at a church.’

40. The International Committee of the Red Cross was refused entry to the camps, Switzerland was deprived of its status as "protecting power" and POWs were reclassified as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" in order to avoid recognition under the Geneva Convention.