dingle in English

a deep wooded valley or dell.
He described the scene thus in 1941 - ‘The River Ure flows through a valley once more charming than it is today, but still beautiful in thickly wooded dingles , water falling in cascades, scars of naked rock, and fine views’.

Use "dingle" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dingle" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dingle", or refer to the context using the word "dingle" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was so happy communing with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.

2. Pirastro Flat-Chromesteel Discussion in 'Strings [DB]' started by Sam Dingle, May 7, 2017

3. A dingle monthly total is posted to Accounts Receivable and Fees Earned in the general ledger.

4. Twelve-year old Belle got Bladdered on cider and threw up on the new carpet and shame descended on the Dingle family

5. This, however, will make you less attractive to her than dingle berries hanging from a baboon's behind.

6. His breath smelt of the black pickled olives she had first tasted on the voyage from Dingle.

7. Curious pals: Fungie the dolphin and Jack the terrier jump into ecstasy when they meet in Dingle Bay.

8. Today's talk about the contents of two parts, one man vowed to Dingle , one operating room commonly used English.

9. You could leave your bicycle at Dingle Station every day for a week for only 6d, at your own risk of course.

10. That means that whether you’re in Dublin or Dingle, Wexford or Westport, you can experience the authentic Boojum taste from the comfort of your own home.

11. A biologist named Hugh Dingle, striving to understand the essence, has identified five characteristics that apply, in varying degrees and combinations, to all migrations.

12. "Animal migrants do not respond to sensory inputs from resources that would readily elicit responses in other circumstances, " is the dry, careful way Dingle describes it.

13. So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world.

14. The number of visitors to Dingle skyrocketed after the scenic harbor town served as the setting for the Academy Award-winning Ryan's Daughter, a 1970 film starring Robert Mitchum.

15. It is a known carcinogen in mice, and if you have been exposed to it for a long period of time, that is a serious concern," Dingle told Reuters.

16. A general theory is given for the effects of impurities or other localized defects in metals on the amplitudes (“Dingle factor”) and the periods of the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations.

17. Jolie Dingle had no history of the disease in her family and had no other obvious risk factors when she complained to her midwife of feeling sick halfway through her pregnancy last year.

18. We also did a lot of work on a project on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland, which could have been really special, but the developer failed to get the permits to build it.

19. ‘Stackpole is also home to the Chough, a much rarer bird.’ ‘The Dingle Peninsula has been highlighted as an international stronghold for an endangered Irish bird, the distinctive red-billed Chough.’ ‘Now the sheer cliffs are inhabited by Choughs, golden eagles, feral goats and basking seals.’