digital information in English

digital data presented in numerical form

Use "digital information" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "digital information" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "digital information", or refer to the context using the word "digital information" in the English Dictionary.

1. Providing access to electronic or digital information

2. What does Cybersphere mean? (computing) The sphere of digital information

3. The new version of the software automatically retrieves digital information.

4. A method for the transmission of analog and digital information.

5. Digital information resources in Canadian libraries are accessible through the Internet.

6. Representing an image accurately requires a great many bytes of digital information.

7. Many issues in multimedia involve the interplay between analogue and digital information.

8. By 2020, they will account for over 50 percent of all digital information.

9. 15 Representing an image accurately requires a great many bytes of digital information.

10. In the 1970s, electronic paper allowed digital information to appear as paper documents.

11. Bitstream is a binary sequence that converts the audio input into digital information

12. Instead,[sentencedict .com] it allows the analogue and digital information to co-exist.

13. Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.

14. An EU initiative gathered European researchers to build an advanced digital information space.

15. It's the master key to all digital information, real time access to any database.

16. The massive yearbook full - text database is a new type of digital information resources.

17. Augmented reality (AR) is used to place digital information on top of the real world

18. And Siftables are an example of a new ecosystem of tools for manipulating digital information.

19. Compilation and administration of information in databases containing photographs, still photographs, live photographs and other digital information

20. Transmission of digital information, whereby the code words are differentiated by means of a change in amplitude

21. Film recording apparatus for converting and adding digital information or an analogue video signal on to slides

22. Providing access to computer networks and Computer databases via Internet portals for downloading digital information of all kinds

23. Swamping future historians with vast amounts of digital information may impede their research as they attempt to navigate through it.

24. Most recently, attempts are being made to construct purely optical computing systems capable of processing digital information using nonlinear optical elements.

25. Blockchain is made up of complex blocks of digital information, and increasingly is used in banking, investing, cryptocurrency, and other sectors

26. An encoder to convert absolute angular or linear position to digital information, and a method to derive code sequences to produce such encoders.

27. Any digital information with speech or music stored on and played through a computer is known as an audio file or sound file.

28. The paper analyses Bluetooth protocol architecture, discusses the application models and connection schemes of Bluetooth , and the application of Bluetooth in digital information home appliances.

29. 10 projectors using matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, of a kind also capable of displaying digital information generated by an automatic data-processing machine,

30. The Cybersphere encompasses not just the endless flow of digital information across the internet, but also the hardware that transmits, receives and interacts with that information

31. Managing Digital Information: The Emerging Technologies Physicists can currently cool atoms to a few Billionths of a degree, but even this is too hot for certain applications

32. Advanced complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOSs) can help the European semiconductor industry reach beyond the confines of Moore's law and develop electronic devices utilising non-digital information.

33. 8] Significantly, this interpretation implies that the US may acquire vast stores of digital information without running afoul of the already limited safeguards against arbitrary “collection” of such information in US policy.

34. Adsl (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology for transmitting digital information at a high bandwidth on existing phone lines to homes and businesses. Unlike regular dialup phone service, Adsl provides continously-available, "always on" connection.

35. But since then, it has evolved into something greater, and the main question every single person is asking is: What is Blockchain? Is Blockchain Technology the New Internet? By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, Blockchain

36. Coedit Public Benefit Corporation herein reserves the right to include the use of security components that may permit digital information or material to be protected, and that such use of information and/or material is subject to usage guidelines and regulations established by Coedit Public Benefit Corporation or any other content providers