diathesis in English

a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition.
a bleeding diathesis

Use "diathesis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diathesis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diathesis", or refer to the context using the word "diathesis" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hemorrhagic diathesis.

2. known haemorrhagic diathesis

3. Known haemorrhagic diathesis

4. Coagulopathy refractory to treatment or bleeding diathesis.

5. Haemorrhagic diathesis and splenomegaly are principal findings besides thrombocytosis.

6. The diathesis–stress model specifies that depression results when a preexisting vulnerability, or diathesis, is activated by stressful life events.

7. "Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by drinking an herbal tea."

8. Hemorrhagic diathesis represents a high risk for oral surgery.

9. An immunosuppressive hemorrhagic diathesis of domesticated Banteng (Bos sondaicus syn

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11. Tympanomastoid hemorrhaging in the absence of a bleeding diathesis.

12. Give the THREE most likely causes of this patient's bleeding diathesis.

13. Elevated levels of FeNO exclusively correlated to atopic diathesis and smoking.

14. In “hemorrhagic diathesis in the newborn” melena is the most frequent symptom.

15. The diathesis, or predisposition, interacts with the individual's subsequent stress response.

16. The results are discussed using a diathesis-stress model of migraine.

17. The impact of functional abnormalities on the haemorrhagic diathesis is discussed.

18. The mild bleeding diathesis was first noted when the patient underwent an operation.

19. Both vascular and platelet abnormalities seem to concur to the bleeding diathesis in chronic uremia.

20. • Haemorrhagic manifestations, bleeding diathesis, or patients with spontaneous or pharmacological impairment of haemostasis

21. Bleeding diathesis and thrombotic tendencies are characteristic findings in patients with end-stage renal disease.

22. It occurs with no underlying medical condition such as trauma, hemorrhagic diathesis, or medically induced anticoagulation.

23. Of clinical significance, patients with HPS commonly have hemorrhagic diathesis, granulomatous colitis or restrictive lung fibrosis.

24. An internal medical consultation is also necessary for the management of other associated symptoms, such as hemorrhagic diathesis.

25. Development of the characteristics of social phobia often requires a diathesis in the form of a temperamental bias.

26. Her past medical history and physical examination were largely unremarkable and she had no bleeding diathesis.

27. It is demonstrated that in large molecules a diathesis can be considered as a “characteristic group”.

28. The diathesis–stress model is used in many fields of psychology, specifically for studying the development of psychopathology.

29. A new case of dysfibrinogenemia is reported which shows no signs of a haemorrhagic diathesis (dysfibrinogenemia Gießen III).

30. While DIC leads predominantly to impaired organ function by occluding the microcirculation, hyperfibrinolysis favors massive hemorrhagic diathesis.

31. A 60 year old female patient with a known allergic diathesis developed a meningoencephalitic syndrome a few hours after vaccination.

32. The condition, which is inherited as an autosomal dominant characteristic, has features of thrombocytopenia and a bleeding diathesis.

33. Strategies to reduce the complication rate include prevention of high risk punctures, i.e., hemorrhagic diathesis and pulmonary diseases.

34. There was no allergic diathesis, nor had the patient a history of other diseases, which might explain the high serum IgE level.

35. These protein hydrolyzates have such a low antigenicity as being applicable to those having allergic diathesis and an excellent emulsion properties.

36. Personality characteristics can be viewed as endophenotypes that may exert a diathesis effect on an individual's susceptibility to suicidal behavior.

37. Also the device effectively fights allergies like seasonal, after medication and other alike. Diathesis disappears just after a few sessions.

38. Significant haematological dysfunction, e. g. leucocytes < # x #/l, haemoglobin < # g/dl, platelets < # x #/l, haemorrhagic diathesis or active bleeding disorder

39. Compounds and combinations are described which are particularly useful for the topical treatment of hemorrhaging in healthy subjects or in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis.

40. There, my undergraduate thesis focused on diathesis-stress examinations of childhood and adolescent depression under the supervision of Dr. J. Abela.

41. The diathesis–stress model asserts that if the combination of the predisposition and the stress exceeds a threshold, the person will develop a disorder.

42. Of considerable interest for this problem are epidemiological observations that maternal age and the number of siblings play an important role in the allergic diathesis.

43. Elham Assary Michael Pluess In developmental psychology, individual differences in response to environmental influences have often been conceptualized from a perspective of diathesis-stress.

44. Clinical features: Both patients manifested thrombocytopenia prior to delivery without previous history of a bleeding diathesis or other abnormal laboratory tests of coagulation function.

45. Adolescent bullying - which is highly prevalent among sexual minority youths - is a chronic stressor that can increase risk for suicide via the diathesis-stress model.

46. Infusions with ceftriaxone should be used with special caution in patients with allergic diathesis, because hypersensitivity reactions emerge faster and proceed more severely after intravenous infusion (see section

47. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis is an ossifying diathesis leading to bone formation in spinal and extraspinal sites, paravertebral osteophyte formation and ligamentous calcification and ossification.

48. The more common early reactions are allergic, pyrogenic, haemolytic, and circulatory overload; less common are air embolism, potassium and citrate intoxication, hypothermia, transfusional haemorrhaeic diathesis, and bacterial contamination.

49. The accompanying hemorrhagic diathesis is often accompanied by hepatic damage, renal failure, involvement of the central nervous system, and terminal shock with multi-organ dysfunction. 131

50. Although epidural analgesia may have been considered the labour analgesic technique of choice, the risk of epidural haematoma caused by her bleeding diathesis made this unacceptable.