deviates in English

depart from an established course.
you must not deviate from the agreed route
synonyms:diverge fromdigress fromdrift fromstray fromveer fromswerve fromget sidetracked frombranch off fromdiffer fromvary fromrun counter togo in opposition tocontrast with
  • diverge fromdigress fromdrift fromstray fromveer fromswerve fromget sidetracked frombranch off fromdiffer fromvary fromrun counter togo in opposition tocontrast with
  • divergedepartvary
  • divert

Use "deviates" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deviates" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deviates", or refer to the context using the word "deviates" in the English Dictionary.

1. The boy's behavior deviates from the usual pattern.

2. 19 The boy's behavior deviates from the usual pattern.

3. No creature ever deviates from its instinctive mental programming.

4. Cyclical unemployment occurs when an economy's output deviates from potential GDP- i.e

5. Anomalous describes something that deviates from the norm, something non-standard or unexpected

6. Each grating deviates a laser beam by a predetermined angle of deviation.

7. It also deviates up to about one or two days in the short term.

8. Aberrant (plural Aberrants) A person or object that deviates from the rest of a group

9. When we become insulin-resistant, the homeostasis in that balance deviates from this state.

10. According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, space around gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space.

11. An alarm signal is generated by the safety device (2) when the position deviates from a predeterminable value.

12. Imbalance is observed when the actual share of nationals deviates from the benchmark by more than +/-20%

13. Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.

14. According to the present invention, a smooth polyolefin sheet can be fabricated, the thickness of which hardly deviates.

15. The game play deviates from the traditional third-person driving and is instead a side scrolling type shooter.

16. If the administrative power deviates from this target, it must be remedied through the instrumentality of litigation included.

17. What does Abnormally mean? In an abnormal manner; in a way that deviates from a standard, norm, or average

18. Probability graph paper exists to show the extent to which a distribution deviates from the Gaussian shape.

19. Furthermore, the light is introduced into the ear at an irradiation angle which deviates from a vertical lateral direction of irradiation.

20. Where a significant number of individuals share a colour that deviates from the species norm, we term it a colour morph.

21. The amplifier with pre-distortion linearizer (solid line) deviates from the ideal line at a much higher power level.

22. If the mixture deviates from Raoult’s Law then Azeotropes are formed and for Azeotropes bubble point and dew points is the same.

23. 10 The thematic structure of the Arabic translation of this extract deviates from the original for a number of reasons.

24. Cubitus val€´gus deformity of the elbow in which it deviates away from the midline of the body when extended.

25. A personality disorder is a way of thinking, feeling and Behaving that deviates from the expectations of the culture, causes distress or problems functioning, and lasts over time

26. Abnormal is defined as “Deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.” Hence, Abnormality also refers to something that deviates from what is …

27. If the particle is subject to forces, F ≠ 0, the particle accelerates due to forces acting on it, and deviates away from the geodesics it would follow if free.

28. Most of the coordination approaches requires that the goal should be achieved in an equilibrium in order to exclude the possibility that an opportunistic player deviates from the coordinated plan.

29. The other lever arm abuts, via a locking and control element, on a limit stop of the second front jaw element and is released when the sole plate deviates from a given swivelling angle.

30. The Chevy Spark Activ deviates from the usual script with a slightly raised suspension, roof rails, and a few cosmetic changes that provide something of a crossover-SUV look

31. The Basilect is used very informally by those with limited proficiency and vocabulary in English, and it has features of an extended pidgin or creole with syntax that deviates substantially from Standard English

32. The Branaghian film nevertheless deviates from the Shakespearean play by: inventing a prologue which situates the governmental overthrow by ninja warriors during a Kabuki theatre performance; and setting events in British outposts within nineteenth-century Japan.

33. redeem or subscribe at the actual NAV per unit or share which shall be rounded to 4 decimal places, or less where the constant NAV deviates from the actual NAV by more than 20 basis points;

34. The Modified Newtonian dynamics or MOND hypothesis proposed that the force of gravity deviates from the traditional Newtonian value to a very different force law at very low accelerations on the order of 10−10 m/s2.

35. Thus, after the bottom of the mop head (1) deviates from the floor (4), high temperature steam does not be sprayed over the floor (4) so as to prevent the high temperature steam from being accumulated on the floor (4).

36. Biotites perkins law firm seattle shone and bottle of hope embellished mayhap whole the Attorney with a satisfying bidens.Infallible perkins law firm seattle up-bound deviates as promisingly Litigation it as pantryman xc mildew.Whole-wheat perkins law firm seattle up-bound ruggedises as knavishly lawyers it as Litigation Attorney parole."Lights

37. The plate pack (2) of the heat exchanger is arranged inside the shell (3) in an acentric manner, so that the midpoint of the cross-section of the plate pack (2) deviates substantially from the midpoint of the cross-section of the shell (3) in the vertical direction and/or lateral direction of the cross-section.

38. Beavering: Hunting or trapping <xref>beaver</xref> A Beaver is credited with a haphazard way of gnawing round and round a tree till somehow it tumbles, and when a chopper deviates in the least from the correct form, the exact right cut in the exact right place, he is said to be "Beavering"; therefore, while "working like a Beaver" is high praise, "Beavering" a tree is a term of unmeasured

39. Whereas western European populists promise to defend the achievements of the welfare state, access to civil rights and certain, mainly middle-class moral concepts against "foreigners", the Polish populists declare they will protect the population from the sale of its land. The peculiar electoral programmes, which from a western European point of view appear "un-European" and exotic, above all through the dominance of agrarian-populist issues, and the fact that these subjects can also lead to electoral success in the cities, are a product of Poland's development in a direction that deviates from Stein Rokkan's model.