deus in English


(Latin) God

Use "deus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deus", or refer to the context using the word "deus" in the English Dictionary.

1. Deus Creationem conservat et sustinet

2. Ut Deus omnipotens Agapen in saecula servet

3. Nanobiotechnology Augmentations, a feature in the computer game Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War; Prosthetic Augmentations, a key feature in the computer game Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided; Augments , genetically enhanced humans, in the Star Trek franchise; Transhumans in David Brin's post-apocalyptic novel The Postman

4. Benedictus Dominus Deus or Canticle of Zechariah

5. Aqualung is a torso augmentation in Deus Ex

6. Unde et Moyses, postquam dixerat, in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram, subdit, dixit Deus, fiat lux, ad manifestationem divini verbi; et postea dixit, vidit Deus lucem, quod esset bona, ad ostendendum Approbationem divini amoris; et similiter in aliis operibus.

7. Assembléia de Deus Passagem TAbatinga, Belém

8. Benedictus Deus On the Beatific Vision of God

9. There are 7 categories of Augmentations in Deus Ex Mankind Divided

10. Assembléia de Deus Passagem TAbatinga, Belém

11. There are 7 categories of Augmentations in Deus Ex Human Revolution

12. As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.

13. 301 Post Creationem, Deus Suam sibi ipsi non derelinquit creaturam

14. Reviewers and players also complained about the size of Deus Ex's save files.

15. Anedotas _____ 1: Sabem o que deus disse quando fez o segundo negro? Deus: - "Xiiii queimou outra vez" _____ 2: Sabem porque é que os negros têm as palmas das mãos

16. Amplexus (now known as Hawks&Wolves) song Handbook for the Recently Deceased off Deus Ex Machina.

17. Detta stämde dåligt med den gamla så kallade deprekativa absolutionsformeln: Deus absolvat te (Gud förlåte dig) eller Deus tribuat tibi Absolutionem et remissionem (Gud give dig avlösning och

18. Ghost lineages are frankly a Contrivedsolution, a deus ex machina required by the cladistic method.

19. The plot of Deus Ex depicts a society on a slow spiral into chaos.

20. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the protagonist Adam Jensen has numerous mechanical Augmentations at his disposal

21. Erat praeterea clangor Buccinae procedens, et invalescebat valde: Moses loquebatur, et Deus respondebat ei in voce

22. Monnet had chosen America as the deus ex machina that would propel Europe toward unity.

23. Is there a deus ex machina, a device that will rescue the rich world from its plight?

24. Firstly, the meaning off the name Aniel is God Lord Of All Virtues (Deus Dominus Virtutum).

25. Noluit Deus pati Cohabitationem superbiae, as one saith, God could not endure to have pride so near him

26. “Persona Spiritus Sancti [insinuatur] in Complacentia qua vidit Deus esse bonum quod factum est” (Summa Theologiae, I, q

27. Beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula, a meteorological deus ex machina, to clear its skies for the 2008 Olympics.

28. Instead of a fairy godmother--deus ex machina--Cinderella receives a branch of a hazel bush from her father.

29. Judicium Ecclesiae Catholicae Trium Primorum Seculorum, de Necessitate Credendi Quod Dominus Noster Jesus Christus Sit Verus Deus, Assertum Contra M

30. Postquam posuit culpam hominum simplicem, hic ponit culpae dictae Aggravationem, ad hoc, quod probetur Deus inferre justam istius punitionem

31. He Bombasted us with this deus ex machina, which is played masterfully because it is not out of character of sato

32. Mensae caelestis participes effecti, imploramus clementiam tuam, Domine Deus noster, ut, qui Assumptionem Dei Genetricis colimus, a cunctis malis imminentibus liberemur

33. COMPARTILHE COM SEUS CONTATOS!Posso pedir a Deus para me fazer prosperar? COMO Assimilar 100% A PALAVRA - Joseph PrinceDownload gratuito do Ebook Destinados

34. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a canticle beginning Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel in Latin and Blessed be the Lord God of Israel in English

35. The Museu Nacional do Azulejo is housed in the former Convent of Madre de Deus founded in 1509 by Queen Leonor

36. Acclamation - Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth, Actus Contritionis - Act of Contrition - Deus meus, ex toto corde poenitet me omnium Agnus Dei - Lamb of God - Agnus Dei, quitollis peccata mundi: miserere Ave Maria - Hail Mary - Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.Benedicta Benedictio Mensae - Blessing Before and After Meals - Benedic, Domine, nos et …

37. Quo e mysterio, per Creationem, exoritur homo: “Et creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam; ad imaginem Dei creavit illum; masculum et feminam creavit eos” (Ibid

38. The Benedictus is not included in the Te Deum, and the Sanctus is therefore included as part of that hymn as follows: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth

39. Ipse vero Dominus noster Iesus Christus, et Deus, ac Pater noster, qui dilexcit nos, et dedit Consolationem aeternam, et spem bonam per gratiam, 17

40. Optimum autem ad quod hominem oportet disponi per virtutem, est ipse Deus, ut probat Augustinus in libro II de moribus Eccles.; ad quem disponitur anima per Assimilationem ad ipsum

41. Rising government debt is a Ponzi scheme that requires an ever-growing population to assume the burden—unless some deus ex machina, such as a technological breakthrough, can boost growth.

42. ‘Today we normally only hear the Benedictus in Advent and Lent.’ 2 A canticle beginning Benedictus Dominus Deus (Blessed be the Lord God) from Luke 1:68–79

43. Domine audi, Domine propitius esto, Domine attende, vel, Animadverte, et fac, ne moreris propter te, Deus mi, quia nomen tuum invocatum est super urbem tuam, et super populum tuum

44. For example, the Latin words Benedictus Sit Iehova Deus, meaning “May Jehovah God Be Praised,” are found on gold coins that were minted for many years in Switzerland [1].

45. Benedictus (bĕnədĭk`təs), hymn of Zachary, taken from Luke 1.68–79.It begins in Latin, "Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel" [blessed be the Lord God of Israel]

46. For example, with this household project, he looked around once and remarked, "This really turned out well. " As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.

47. Se n Abortaresou melhor se Deus permitir VIVER, viverás, já não ligo quem magou-me, o q interessa-me é ser bem tratada pelo meu companheiro.

48. Interpretar, analisar e orientar as pessoas afim de que possam desfrutar de todas as Benesses que “Deus” colocou neste planeta e, assim, poderem tirar o máximo proveito de suas vidas.

49. Anticlimax (plural Anticlimaxes) A failed or reverse climax, particularly: (narratology) An unsatisfying resolution to a narrative, usually owing to a deus ex machina or similarly trivial resolution of the main conflict

50. Although Domitian was the first emperor who had demanded to be officially hailed as dominus et deus (master and god), these titles never occurred in written form on official documents until the reign of Aurelian.