detonations in English

the action of causing a bomb or explosive device to explode.
There's a researcher out there - I used him a great deal for this piece and I'm using him some more, he knows at least five of the people who were involved in the making of the bomb and its detonation .

Use "detonations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "detonations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "detonations", or refer to the context using the word "detonations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Synonyms for Blowups include blasts, detonations, eruption, bursts, burstings, explosions, outbursts, blow-ups, discharge and bangs

2. The state of detonation is often unpredictable and therefore detonation flame Arrestors designed for unstable detonations are safest to specify

3. The term Blackened actually means to scar by burning, decay or bruising – You can imagine hundreds of sudden nuclear weapon detonations scarring the …

4. San Francisco identified relay armature sensitivity as a major cause of premature detonations during a comparative field test minelaying excursion on August 12.

5. Dual-Sensor Hostile Fire Detection for Aerostats and Masts Serenity is an advanced hostile fire detection (HFD) system that combines electro-optical (EO) and acoustic sensors to pinpoint the origin of heavy weapons fire and explosive detonations from up to 10 kilometers away in any direction.

6. Most large (over a kilometre in diameter) near-Earth asteroids are now known, but recognition that Airbursts (or fireballs resulting from nuclear-weapon-sized detonations of meteoroids in the atmosphere) have the potential to do greater damage than previously thought has shifted an increasing portion of the residual impact risk (the risk of impact from an unknown object) to smaller objects.