derogative statement in English

disparaging remark, negative remark (about someone or something)

Use "derogative statement" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "derogative statement" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "derogative statement", or refer to the context using the word "derogative statement" in the English Dictionary.

1. They overcame the societal derogative term orphan in times of difficulty and challenge.

2. The explorative study its semantic features and the changes of its derogative and appreciative meanings.

3. The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.

4. AIM: To study the change in cognitive function in derogative state of different neurotransmitter by mensurating P300 amplitude and latency.

5. The switch statement executes line by line (actually, statement by statement).

6. This statement is a classic victim-Blaming statement

7. The Continue statement works somewhat like the break statement

8. Converse Inverse Contrapositive- For a statement p → q, q → p is a converse statement, ∼p → ∼q is a inverse statement, ∼q → ∼p is Contrapositive statement

9. ◦ Accessibility Features Statement

10. This is not a completely tautological statement; it's a reasonable statement.

11. Edit Bank statements Bank statements editor Edit Bank Statement PDF Edit bank statement Online Free Online Bank Statement PDF Editor

12. The Java Break statement is used to Break loop or switch statement

13. Accuracy of Statement

14. A report or statement reflecting an Audit; a final statement of account.

15. This statement is true as it is the Contrapositive of a true statement

16. The interim Statement of Receipts & Disbursements was supported by a statement of account.

17. Understanding the Continue statement

18. Notice this striking statement.”

19. The Budgeted income statement is also popularly called the pro forma income statement

20. Prepare cash & bank statement.

21. Carousel Corner Mission Statement

22. Clarification: a statement that …

23. Financial Statement: Phil Allt.

24. Your statement is misleading.

25. The resulting income statement, Exhibit is essentially a written statement of the closing process.