Use "denouncing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "denouncing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "denouncing", or refer to the context using the word "denouncing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Denouncing her father and the Resistance.

2. " nothing is easier than Denouncing the evildoer.

3. This Protocol of Accession can only be denounced by denouncing the Alpine Convention.

4. Public Statement by eight Alabama Clergymen Denouncing Martin Luther King's efforts, April 12, 1963

5. Khrushchev's secret speech in 1956 to the Twentieth Party Congress, denouncing Stalin, remained unpublished.

6. Synonyms for Condemning include denouncing, censuring, criticising, criticizing, blaming, reprehending, reproving, upbraiding, attacking and castigating

7. Synonyms for Animadverting include fulminating, raging, criticising, criticizing, denouncing, thundering, censuring, ranting, protesting and railing

8. As well as denouncing such violations, we must also work together to find adequate solutions.

9. Not until 1717 did he appear in print, with a grand jury charge denouncing Jacobites.

10. Macrinus now sent letters to the Senate denouncing Elagabalus as the False Antoninus and claiming he was insane.

11. Were I such, the kings we have vanquished, far from denouncing Robespierre, would lend me their guilty support.

12. On May 1, 887, Bi and Zheng, after issuing public declarations denouncing Lü, departed Gaoyou and advanced toward Yang Prefecture.

13. The word Cominatory is misspelled against Comminatory, an adjective meaning "Threatening or denouncing punishment; as, Comminatory terms."

14. The debate was Acrimonious, with opposition parties denouncing Shamir's deals with defectors from other parties to win his working majority

15. Hatch has rushed on, as well, to the further excess of denouncing appellate judges appointed by Clinton for dissenting opinions.

16. The debate was acrimonious, with opposition parties denouncing Shamir's deals with defectors from other parties to win his working majority.

17. He opposes the Gallegly Amendment, denouncing the idea of a government that refuses to educate all the children under its care.

18. Don't be a fashion Crosspatch, denouncing girls in shorts so short they look more like underwear than items of outdoor clothing.

19. They often reviled the clergy and riled the congregations of Puritans(sentencedict .com), denouncing all worship but their own as false.

20. And his wife Tameka "Tiny" Harris are denouncing allegations against them after three more Accusers have come forward with abuse …

21. Even as European officials sought to calm financial markets , protesters in Ireland were busy denouncing higher taxes in the government 's tough new budget .

22. Commination literally means ‘ the action of threatening divine vengeance ’ or as the service itself explains: “ a denouncing of God ’ s anger and judgements against sinners

23. At the trial of Lepidus, Caligula felt no compunction about denouncing them as adulteresses, producing handwritten letters discussing how they were going to kill him.

24. Former prime minister Paul Keating has launched a scathing attack on the Australian media for its coverage of China, denouncing “the nominally pious Belchings of ‘do-gooder’ journalists

25. 14 Utopia, which considers itself the standard-bearer of the Chinese "New Left"and espouses nationalist sentiments, is gathering signatures on an open letter denouncing GM crops.

26. Black community leaders join mayor in denouncing Anarchist-related vandalism” March 15, 2021 March 15, 2021 Street Roots, “COVID-19 in Oregon’s prisons: Brian McCarvill was an Anarchist …

27. The reputed author of the Nebraska Bill finds an early occasion to make a speech at this capitol indorsing the Dred Scott decision, and vehemently denouncing all opposition to it.

28. Attainder is a royal decree made by the King of the Andals and the First Men or the Hand of the King officially denouncing a person or an entire noble House

29. As part of the march’s final rally in Cali, ACIN’s then president Marco Cuetia was scheduled to deliver a speech denouncing the violence and listing the names of all the Indigenous victims.

30. A Commination or Denouncing of God's Anger and Judgments Against Sinners The Book of Common Prayer To be used on the first day of Lent, and at other times as the ordinary shall appoint

31. A Commination or Denouncing of God's Anger and Judgements against Sinners, With certain Prayers, to be used on the first Day of Lent, and at other times, as the Ordinary shall appoint. Back to …

32. ‘Don't let politicians or the media browbeat you, intimidate you or lie about you.’ ‘And, to believe that ‘fighting back’ consists of Browbeating our elected politicians into standing up and denouncing Republican badness and wrongness is infantile.’

33. He broke with party leaders in 1927, denouncing them as traitors to the party's original principles and in 1930 attempted to form a new party, which he called the Provisional Action Committee of the Chinese Nationalist Party or Third Party.

34. One might feel superior after bullying, defaming, nagging, pressurizing, denouncing, befouling, misguiding, and constantly Altercating a person, but it can apparently contribute to depression.Depression is a silent killer, which results from a complex interaction of psychological, biological, and social factors

35. "act of formally denouncing as accursed," 1590s, from Medieval Latin anathematizationem (nominative anathematizatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Late Latin anathematizare, from Greek anathematizein "to devote (to evil)," from stem of anathema (q.v.)

36. The office for "A Commination, or denouncing of God's anger and judgments against sinners," was left out of the American Prayer-book, but the three concluding prayers of that office were introduced into the service for Ash Wednesday, immediately after the Collect for that day.

37. As previously reported on Syria Untold, ISIS has engaged in raising the group's black flag to replace the popular revolution flag in demonstrations, imposing sectarian slogans, desecrating Christian saints’ graves and destroying churches and cultural symbols such as the statue of poet and philosopher Abul Alaa al-Maarri, known for denouncing religious superstition and dogmatism.

38. “By this time there is hardly a newspaper of any sort or description in the country that has not carried one or more spiteful articles denouncing Jehovah’s witnesses as ‘fifth columnists financed by foreign capital,’ ‘an advance guard of Communism,’ ‘false prophets,’ ‘enemies of the state and society,’ etc., etc., using all the usual epithets.