deltaic in English


of or pertaining to a delta (triangular section of land at the mouth of a river)

Use "deltaic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deltaic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deltaic", or refer to the context using the word "deltaic" in the English Dictionary.

1. The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.

2. 27 The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.

3. A transgressive phase (Middle Albian to Turonian) initiates with Middle Albian to Lower Cenomanian deltaic and prodeltaic series.

4. Such conditions are commonly associated with deltaic sedimentation which along the Gulf Coast attain thicknesses of 000 feet.

5. Nearshore, deltaic, alluvial, peatland, open-water wetland, and upland soil environments are represented in the Moorhead Phase sediment records.

6. Anticlines can also form in side of stable Cratonic areas in response to Salt removal and in response to shale diapirism and Salt diapirism in Deltaic (Passive Margin) settings

7. Cuspate deltaic sands micro-facies, which formed at the time of powerful wave action, the continuity of marine distributary channel is bad, and distributes in cuspate shape.

8. Variable, from very flat lake beds, alluvial deposits, and deltaic deposits to low to steep, highly dissected slopes of actively eroding marine silts along rivers and streams.

9. Deep-water muds (acoustic unit 3) represent ice-distal accumulation of glaciomarine sediment from glaciofluvial plumes between 13.5 and 11 ka. After this time exceptionally thick nearshore coarse-grained deltaic and estuarine successions (acoustic unit 4) were deposited.

10. The depositional environments of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Rotliegend beds, known from surface outcrops and 20 wells, are alluvial only along the northwestern margin of the basin, but braided and meandering fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine within the basin.

11. Using data obtained in the winter of 1981–1982 from trench excavations in the vicinity of Rea Point, volumetric ice contents with depth have been calculated for Paleozoic age (Weatherall, Griper Bay, and Hecla Bay formations) and Quaternary age (alluvium and deltaic sands) sediments.