deficit financing in English

government funding of spending by borrowing.
Historically, wars have been associated with an increase in government spending and deficit financing .

Use "deficit financing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deficit financing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deficit financing", or refer to the context using the word "deficit financing" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Maastricht rules in effect prevent deficit financing of state welfare.

2. Politicians hope that deficit financing will be the way to stimulate the economy.

3. In finance domain, this clique basically attacks the deficit financing policy of Keynesia creed centrally.

4. Economic recession and years of deficit financing policy of the United States total public debt has accumulated.

5. Monetary authorities have little leeway given the Congress Party's demands for both high growth and cheap deficit financing.

6. Government adhered to the prevailing orthodoxy that balanced budgets were necessary and desirable and that deficit financing was neither.

7. Barbadians for many years have enjoyed a reasonable standard of living supported by deficit financing in the post Barrow period

8. The result is that the impact of a unilateral U. S. attempt at revival by deficit financing may be dissipated abroad.

9. In addition, strict control should be made for the direction of fiscal expenditure, paying attention to rules governing the use of deficit financing.

10. We learned that in the late 1970s, when the Fed's deficit financing sent the CPI up to an annual rate of almost 15%.

11. From Japan's past experience, the deficit financing of measures can indeed significantly increase the base money supply, lowering short-term and long-term interest rates.

12. If the soldiers have been supported by an unbalanced budget— that is, by government borrowing and other forms of deficit financing—the case is somewhat different.

13. So, combining with the current fiscal policy of China, this paper discusses how the central bank can control and father inflation under a deficit financing policy.

14. Then this text regards government's deficit financing behavior as the research object, regards government as an economic unit's, and analyses the cost-income models of government pay back the debts.

15. But it has kept long-term bond yields lower than they were in January, despite a fresh lurch towards US deficit financing, while forcing up asset prices and pressing investors to take on more risk.