deficient spelling in English


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Use "deficient spelling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deficient spelling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deficient spelling", or refer to the context using the word "deficient spelling" in the English Dictionary.

1. Your diet is deficient in vitamins.

2. The milk is deficient in fat.

3. Deficient or lacking: an ethically Challenged politician

4. Spanish spelling is phonetic, unlike English spelling.

5. Ament A person mentally deficient from birth

6. Am I in some other way deficient?’

7. You can't let yourself get iron deficient.

8. Our knowledge of the matter is deficient.

9. The recurrent Aphtha caused by flaring-up of deficient fire due to deficient cold of spleen and stomach is very common

10. What does Awanting mean? Missing; wanting, deficient, absent

11. NonCalcareous definition is - lacking or deficient in lime.

12. All Boranes are diamagnetic and electron-deficient compounds

13. Check Spelling

14. Our prisons are our most deficient social service.

15. Center is the American spelling; Centre is the British spelling

16. Bloodless definition is - deficient in or free from blood

17. A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

18. 2 Our prisons are our most deficient social service.

19. Sign Description U.S. departures flight display monitors spelling errors: actual spelling:

20. Colouration (countable and uncountable, plural Colourations) (British spelling) Alternative spelling of coloration;

21. Cumulatively the prejudice flowing from multiple instances of deficient performance .

22. A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

23. A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

24. Albino seedling is the typical chlorophyll - deficient mutation in plants.

25. Your spelling is atrocious!