decibels in English

a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic scale.
Because the range of sound pressures that can be heard is so large, a logarithmic scale of decibels is used to measure sound intensity.

Use "decibels" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "decibels" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "decibels", or refer to the context using the word "decibels" in the English Dictionary.

1. Well, loud rock music can produce 120 decibels, and artillery fire 130 decibels.

2. • Chain saw —110 decibels

3. • Food blender —90 decibels

4. Bel definition is - ten deciBels

5. • Rush-hour traffic —80 decibels

6. Some personal stereos can put out 126 decibels, which is 400 times as much power as 100 decibels!

7. • Passing jet plane —120 decibels

8. Noise levels are measured in decibels.

9. Noise from the disco reached 110 decibels.

10. We can lower our voices a few decibels.

11. The ordinate scale is linear in decibels.

12. Why, a toy rattle can reach 110 decibels!

13. 12 Type a value between - 144 and 0 decibels.

14. Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.

15. It will dampen the decibels and dislocate the sound source

16. (dBA) Decibels, A-weighted There are several decibel scales.

17. It is typically expressed as a decibels (dB) value.

18. The maximum sound level expressed in A-weighted decibels (dB(A))

19. Normal conversation has a sound level of approximately 60 decibels.

20. NoiseBuster reduces up to 15 decibels in that frequency bandwidth.

21. The music played in the afternoon is limited to 85 Decibels.

22. In scientific terms, this is a range of about 130 decibels.

23. Cicada expert Gene Kritsky has recorded a Cicada chorus at 96 decibels

24. On the one hand, the noise rate for airways is between # decibels. On the other hand, the noise rate of a train travelling at # km per hour is between # decibels

25. This rate can be high up to # decibels for heavy vehicles

26. A sound’s amplitude, or strength, is measured in units called decibels (dB).

27. In a fifth of those rooms, the noise level is 75 decibels.

28. This rate can be high up to 103 decibels for heavy vehicles.

29. The noise tolerance level of average human beings is 60-65 decibels.

30. Watch the monitor and tell me if the level goes above forty decibels.

31. Washable carpets, acoustic ceiling and fabric wall covering help bring down the decibels.

32. A toy cell phone registered the highest level of sound at 115 decibels.

33. LpASmax = maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, expressed in decibels, as defined in ISO 14509.

34. 58 dBA (decibels on a weighted scale average for 30 minutes i.e. Leq (30 min.

35. Cicada songs can reach 90 decibels, which is as loud as a lawn mower

36. Noise levels are generally determined by using a meter that measures sound in decibels.

37. 9 Watch the monitor and tell me if the level goes above forty decibels.

38. (Noisy conversation) This study in Germany found the average noise level in classrooms is 65 decibels.

39. Whining jet engines pummel airline passengers with a mind-numbing 75 to 80 decibels of noise.

40. Zimmermann says his unit can accommodate bass frequencies and crank out volume levels exceeding 100 decibels.

41. The project's aim is to reduce by 10 decibels (db) the noise aircraft make by 2016.

42. ( Noisy conversation ) This study in Germany found the average noise level in classrooms is 65 decibels.

43. In some schools in Germany, researchers measured sound levels ranging between 70 and 90 decibels (dB).

44. That ' s many decibels below her shrill cry for President ' s rule a few weeks back .

45. Studies have shown that the noise rate in highways differs in a range of # decibels

46. Underwater noise Some fundamentals concepts Underwater sound is measured in decibels, just like airborne sound.

47. Experts caution that two to three hours of exposure to 90 decibels can damage your ears.

48. Studies have shown that the noise rate in highways differs in a range of 72-92 decibels.

49. What is Attenuators? Attenuators are passive devices. It is convenient to discuss them along with decibels.

50. But repeated exposure to sounds above 80 to 90 decibels can lead to gradual loss of hearing.