debt to worth ratio in English

financial leverage of a business' loans in relation to its equity serving as a measure of financial stability (Accounting)

Use "debt to worth ratio" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debt to worth ratio" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debt to worth ratio", or refer to the context using the word "debt to worth ratio" in the English Dictionary.

1. Its debt to capital ratio also needs to be made more liberal.

2. The ratio between debt and equity is named leverage.

3. A more sophisticated way of assessing federal debt would be to try to compute our net worth by subtracting debt from assets.

4. This will be the fatal blow for capital-intensive industries such as property firms, especially those property firms with an excessive debt to net worth ratio. Bankruptcy will be almost inevitable.

5. Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) helps lenders determine whether you’re able to Afford a house

6. Canada has a relatively low net public debt ratio compared to most other advanced economies.

7. It has net worth of £430 million and net debt of £325 million.

8. Present value of operating lease commitments plus securitization financing (b) Adjusted debt-to-total capitalization ratio (c)

9. Despite significant efforts since 2010, advanced economies’ average ratio of debt to GDP remains above 100 percent.

10. The programme projects the debt ratio to increase by almost 2 percentage points over the programme period.

11. " Boarder income can help lower your debt-to-income ratio, allowing you to qualify for mortgages you'd be

12. The debt ratio is estimated to have reached #,# % of GDP in #, above the # %-of-GDP Treaty reference value

13. The debt ratio is estimated to have reached #.# % of GDP in #, above the # %-of-GDP Treaty reference value

14. Debt: we must manage the success we had in reducing our debt, but now countries are back to borrowing again, and we see our debt-to-GDP ratio beginning to creep up, and in certain countries, debt is becoming a problem, so we have to avoid that.

15. In the first quarter of this year, the eurozone’s public-debt ratio actually rose, to 92.2% of GDP.

16. This effect increases with the debt ratio and would be supported by accommodative monetary policy.

17. A declining ratio means that debt-servicing charges absorb a smaller proportion of government revenues.

18. The evolution of the debt ratio is partly driven by debt-reducing stock-flow adjustments linked to the gradual phasing out of sinking funds, the accumulation of which had earlier on led to debt-increasing stock flow adjustments.

19. The evolution of the debt ratio is partly driven by debt-reducing stock-flow adjustments linked to the gradual phasing out of sinking funds, the accumulation of which had earlier on led to debt-increasing stock flow adjustments

20. To a lesser extent, the acceleration of GDP and a marginal primary surplus gave additional help to the debt ratio fall.[

21. A Coverage ratio, broadly, is a measure of a company's ability to service its debt and meet its financial obligations

22. Ambt's debt-to-equity ratio is very low at 0.00 and is currently below that of the industry average, implying that there has been very successful management of debt levels

23. Thereafter, in 2013 - 2014, the adjustment accounted for roughly 30% of the change in the debt ratio.

24. In contrast, stock-flow adjustments 8 are expected to put a mild upward pressure on the aggregate debt-to-GDP ratio in 2020.

25. Debt problems create stress, and dealing with them calls for sacrifices; yet the results are worth the effort.