darwin in English


family name; Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), British naturalist and author, developer of the theory of evolution by natural selectio

Use "darwin" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "darwin" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "darwin", or refer to the context using the word "darwin" in the English Dictionary.

1. Curled, Darwin, Northern Territory

2. " Bird studied by Darwin. "

3. And Darwin shows us why.

4. Darwin challenged the fixity of species.

5. But Darwin shows that it’s just false.

6. Darwin could not be taught in the schools; but a perversion of Darwin could be practiced in real life.

7. But Darwin shows that it's just false.

8. 8 Charles Darwin married his first cousin.

9. Darwin postulated the modern theory of evolution.

10. New York's Darwin exhibition - which will reach London for the Darwin bicentenary in 2009 - is a model of its kind.

11. On 17 September 2003 the Adelaide–Darwin railway was completed, with the opening of the Alice Springs-Darwin standard gauge line.

12. Darwin stated that the species originate by descent.

13. 9 Charles Darwin didn't invent a belief system.

14. Darwin, a Shona from the Korekore language group .

15. Also, I wonder how Paul Bettany gets cast as a Darwin clone in Master and Commander then as Darwin himself in Creation

16. Darwin has a bus network serviced by a range of contracted bus operators, which provides transport to the main suburbs of Darwin.

17. For 25 years, Darwin Amassed evidence to suppor

18. 20 Darwin called this the principle of divergence.

19. 1 Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.

20. The theory of evolution did not originate with Darwin.

21. Darwin published his monumental work on evolution in 18

22. 16 Darwin stated that the species originate by descent.

23. The blue plaque said 'Charles Darwin, biologist, lived here'.

24. Charles Darwin is an example of a famous Agnostic.

25. Charles Darwin also wrote the facial feedback response theory.

26. Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.

27. Against Ctesiphon By Aeschines Translated by Charles Darwin Adams

28. Darwin had caught a fleeting glimpse of Galapagos'great secret

29. 16 The authors are Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace .

30. More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume II Charles Darwin This movement seems to be of no service, any more than the incessant movement of Amoeboid bodies.

31. Aeschines with an English translation by Charles Darwin Adams, Ph.D

32. Darwin was not ridiculed by his university's biology round table.

33. 10 CHARLES DARWIN was born on February 12 th 180

34. Aeschines with an English translation by Charles Darwin Adams, Ph.D

35. In the midst of this revelry, Charles Darwin strides in.

36. The blue plaque said 'Charles Darwin, biologist[Sentencedict.com], lived here'.

37. 7 Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace discovered evolution independently.

38. Atolls begin as fringing reefs surrounding a volcanic island (Darwin 1842)

39. Other theatres include the Darwin Convention Centre, opened in July 2008.

40. The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.

41. Darwin challenged this approach with his revival of the materialistic alternative.

42. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species.

43. He mistakenly ascribes the expression "survival of the fittest" to Charles Darwin.

44. Ferries leave from Port Darwin to island locations, mainly for tourists.

45. 15 Charles Darwin did not think of himself as a genius.

46. 11 the theory of natural selection, first propounded by Charles Darwin.

47. 6 In the midst of this revelry, Charles Darwin strides in.

48. Darwin ' s famous book on evolution , best known as the Origin of Species , was aimed at the general reader - Darwin wanted his theory to be as widely accessible as possible .

49. You see, Darwin somehow is picking out words from this alien signal.

50. The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.