darfur in English

a region in the west of Sudan, an independent kingdom until 1874. In 2003, a rebellion against the Sudanese government began, and many thousands died or were displaced in the subsequent conflict.

Use "darfur" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "darfur" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "darfur", or refer to the context using the word "darfur" in the English Dictionary.

1. The conflict in Darfur continues unabated.

2. Denial of humanitarian access in Darfur

3. White House meets aid groups over Darfur.

4. Rebel groups from Darfur might even join the fray.

5. It's already fueled conflicts in Chad and Darfur.

6. Is Darfur one of the administration's top priorities?

7. These vulnerabilities, of course, have not been unique to Darfur.

8. The day after taking office, he held a weekend meeting about Darfur.

9. The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all.

10. In Darfur, the regime has carried out appalling crimes.sentence dictionary

11. Bernard Kouchner, France's new Foreign Minister has made Darfur a priority.

12. In Darfur , disappointingly, it has amounted so far to almost nothing.

13. He went off the map for awhile, but he surfaced in Beirut, Darfur.

14. Several observers have repeatedly expressed concern about the alarming situation in Darfur

15. The president even announced, dramatically, a ceasefire by government forces in Darfur.

16. The Bush administration says what is taking place in Darfur is genocide.

17. Yet the wrangling over Darfur should not divert attention from southern Sudan.

18. In Northern and Southern Darfur, National Security personnel routinely refused helicopter access to rural communities

19. S. Congress also declared the Darfur violence genocide in a joint resolution in July.

20. Resolution of the conflict will also have to address the regional dynamics influencing the Darfur crisis.

21. These trend - lines in Darfur have become depressingly familiar over the past few years.

22. In Northern and Southern Darfur, National Security personnel routinely refused helicopter access to rural communities.

23. This, say activists, makes it complicit in the state - orchestrated killing that has devastated Darfur.

24. The higher-than-planned-for number of major accidents resulted from the poor road conditions in Darfur

25. On motion of Senator Corbin, debate adjourned. CANADA’S COMMITMENT TO DARFUR, SUDAN INQUIRY—DEBATE CONTINUED

26. Violence is rife in the Darfur region between government - backed militias , government troops and insurgent groups.

27. Horses have been used in the 21st century by the Janjaweed militias in the War in Darfur.

28. The Government of the Sudan has abjectly failed to take the necessary steps to protect and fulfil the human rights of individuals in Darfur, notwithstanding the security and access constraints that the Government experiences in certain parts of Darfur.

29. Halima Bashir, a pseudonym later adopted to protect her, grew up in rural Darfur in Western Sudan.

30. First, de-link the talks on the political future of Darfur from those concerning security and humanitarian access

31. Acknowledging the sensitivity of the issue, members affirmed that peace and justice should go hand in hand in Darfur.

32. Acknowledging the sensitivity of the issue, members affirmed that peace and justice should go hand in hand in Darfur

33. And then when we're crazy rich, we can pay back Agrestic and buy corn dogs for all of Darfur.

34. In the context of the ongoing violence in Darfur, freedom of movement for UNAMID and humanitarian personnel is absolutely critical.

35. He has campaigned on Behalf of Darfur and wrote about the plight of newly independent South Sudan for The Daily Beast

36. The have flower, leaf, red, far see as arrow such as moult, ... the root skin fleshy, categories, but centerless pulse darfur 30%-50%.

37. That arms deal was a humanitarian ransom payment, being made in exchange for a British aid worker, a doctor, held hostage in Darfur.

38. In light of these developments a new road map that lays out the next steps in the Darfur peace process is being prepared.

39. The SLA/MM faction under the control of Minni Minawi has abjectly failed to properly investigate and hold to account members of that group who are suspected to have committed violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in Darfur, including the alleged execution of detainees and attacks directed against humanitarian workers in Darfur

40. The SLA/MM faction under the control of Minni Minawi has abjectly failed to properly investigate and hold to account members of that group who are suspected to have committed violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in Darfur, including the alleged execution of detainees and attacks directed against humanitarian workers in Darfur.

41. Ten Darfurians were arrested in the three Darfur states and transported aboard a Government of the Sudan aircraft to Khartoum, where they were detained and tortured.

42. With the great majority of the African population living in camps in Darfur or neighbouring Chad, the remaining Arab herders are increasingly moving into the abandoned areas.

43. Prior to the current rebellion in Darfur, the SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) waged a war against the central Sudanese government in opposition to its policies of Arabizing …

44. Tribal Clashes in Sudan's western Darfur region killed at least 10 people Wednesday, a senior security official said, the latest bout of violence in the restive region.

45. However, this petroleum cooperation is confronted with challenges from the economic unstableness due to a single industry structure in Sudan, and from the Darfur problem and the Western slanders.

46. The most ambitious thing the ICC has done is to indict Omar Hassan al-Bashir, the president of Sudan, on a charge-sheet that includes genocide in the Darfur region.

47. The authorities intermittently restricted access to rural areas around Khor Abeche and Shaeria, Southern Darfur, in particular in late November in connection with the suspected presence of SLA-Minni Minawi elements.

48. Aril 4, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese government and two armed groups from Darfur region are expected to meet in Berlin to negotiate a pre-negotiation agreement, Sudan Tribune has learned Wednesday

49. Sudanese girls hold banners during a visit by UNICEF Good Will Ambassador actress Mia Farrow at Finna camp in the Jabal Marrah southeast of Darfur town of Nyala, Sudan, June 200

50. Following intensive efforts by the Government of the Sudan and WFP, three crew members contracted by the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service abducted at Um Shalaya in Western Darfur on 13 January were released on 6 June.