dacite in English

a volcanic rock resembling andesite but containing free quartz.
The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of andesite, dacite , basalts, and trachybasalts that are interbedded with agglomerates and tuffs.

Use "dacite" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dacite" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dacite", or refer to the context using the word "dacite" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hmm. Where I was expecting to see andesite and dacite,

2. Includes some Basaltic andesite and, near the top of the sequence, some dacite

3. How to cite Bandaite [ A dacite type of extrusive rock composed of bytownite and labradorite

4. A shallow 300 m well was drilled in an alluvial fan deposit made up of unsorted volcanic clasts of andesite and dacite.

5. Manual of Mineralogy and Petrography: Containing the Elements of the Science by James Dwight Dana (1897) "VARIETIES of Andesyte and Dacite.—a

6. The boulder Batholith is a large intrusive body composed mainly of quartz monzonite, and is cut by plugs and dikes of alaskite and dacite

7. Overlaying these deposits are Cenozoic volcanic rocks, including the thick, Eocene-aged Ohanapecosh Formation, comprised by chemically altered basalt and andesite lava flows and bedded andesite and dacite volcaniclastic rock.

8. The Central Volcanic Complex which is host to the ores is a high-K calc-alkaline andesite-dacite-rhyolite suite which has erupted through thick continental crust along an ancient continental margin.

9. The faults and eruption magma among which dacite (Banatite) must be included, andesites and rhyolites, are completed by a sedimentary pliocenic area of Lupeşti­ Pârneşti (Rusu 2007: 29­ 30)

10. Volcanoes within the field have produced smaller amounts of basaltic andesite and andesite with silicon dioxide compositions up to 59 percent, though dacite is not very common among Indian Heaven eruptive products.

11. ‘The main slivers of Devonian rocks found within the fault zone in the Rhynie area are sandstones and Andesite in the Rhyme block and the Longcroft Tuffs in the Windyfield block.’ ‘The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of Andesite, dacite, basalts, and trachybasalts that are …