custom-house in English

the office at a port or frontier where customs duty is collected.
Nineteenth-century customs houses , which were buildings of some distinction, survive in the capital-city ports, where they were once the centre of mercantile activity and the chief collectors of government revenue.

Use "custom-house" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "custom-house" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "custom-house", or refer to the context using the word "custom-house" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Custom House clock struck one.

2. The gate on the bridge is a custom house.

3. I need company to make my custom house shoe slippers.

4. Foreigners were happy to accept, because foreigners themselves ran the custom house.

5. SJEPZ is a special self - enclosing area supervised by the Custom House.

6. The Custom House is a neo-classical building of three storeys dating from 18

7. Pls let me know statistic number of offered cargo for custom house in Czech.

8. Freight forwarders and Brokers, Logistics, Clearing and forwarding Agents, Custom House Agent, Cargo Agents.

9. The vessel, although cleared at the custom house last week, is prevented from sailing by the hurricane.

10. He had been shut up in the Custom House, and he was to be transferred to London the next day.

11. Housed in the historic U. S. Custom House on Canal Street, the insectarium currently has about 100 species on display, and is expecting 350-thousand visitors in the first year.

12. The bell of the Custom House holds the reputation of the largest bell of Asia, and when you sit in the bar you can hear the melodious bell from the Customs House.