cushing's syndrome in English

a metabolic disorder caused by overproduction of corticosteroid hormones by the adrenal cortex and often involving obesity and high blood pressure.
Medical disorders such as Cushing's syndrome , hypothyroidism and hypogonadism rarely cause obesity.

Use "cushings syndrome" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cushings syndrome" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cushings syndrome", or refer to the context using the word "cushings syndrome" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cushing's syndrome refers to over production of cortisol by the adrenal glands.

2. Gains in sodium can result from hyperaldosteronism, Cushing's syndrome, or excessive hypertonic saline or sodium bicarbonate administration.

3. Cushing's syndrome (a condition in which the body contains excess amounts of cortisol) may also influence childhood obesity.

4. Cyclic Cushing's syndrome (CS) involves rhythmic fluctuations in ACTH secretion resulting in a Cyclic variation of adrenal steroid production

5. 24 Cushing's syndrome is another rare hormone disorder which can be caused by a non-cancerous tumour in the pituitary gland.

6. Clitoral hypertrophy may occur in Cushing's syndrome as a result of increased androgens produced by a hyperplastic or neoplastic adrenal cortex

7. 8 This adrenal gland removed surgically in a patient with Cushing's syndrome has been sectioned in half to reveal an adenoma.

8. 29 Results Out of 111 patients, 23 had Cushing's syndrome, 3 had primary aldosteronism and 85 had adrenal gland hyperplastic diseases without secreted hormones.

9. Induction of the hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes has therapeutical implications for the detoxication of some physiological substances, e. g. bilirubin inicterus neonatorum or steroids in Cushing's syndrome.

10. Seventy-nine patients underwent subtotal or total adrenalectomy for pituitary-dependent Cushing's syndrome (1953–1980); 76 survived the operation and 75 were followed for 1 to 27 (mean 11) years.

11. A case of Cushing's syndrome is described in which there was the unusual finding of bilateral “adenomatosis” of the adrenal cortex with an associated involution of the remaining cortical tissue.

12. Exceptions are patients suffering from thyroid storm (impending early relapse after plasmapheresis due to excess iodine) or from acute Cushing's syndrome (intractable potassium loss and alkalosis whom we have successfully transferred to surgery.

13. 131 I-Adosterol (6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholest-5 (10) -3β-o1) was administered to evaluate adrenal grand in 20 patients including 9 patients with primary aldosteronism, 5 with Cushing's syndrome, one with pheochromocytoma, one with retroperitoneal tumor, 3 with essential hypertension and one with obesity