cultural revolution in English

a political upheaval in China 1966–76 intended to bring about a return to revolutionary Maoist beliefs. Largely carried forward by the Red Guard, it resulted in attacks on intellectuals, a large-scale purge in party posts, and the appearance of a personality cult around Mao Zedong. It led to considerable economic dislocation and was gradually brought to a halt by premier Zhou Enlai.

Use "cultural revolution" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cultural revolution" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cultural revolution", or refer to the context using the word "cultural revolution" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was the Cultural Revolution.

2. The industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution.

3. The Cultural Revolution is a catastrophe to Chinese people.

4. Several Tibetan temples were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.

5. Agriculture was attacked again during the Great Cultural Revolution.

6. The Cultural Revolution was a period of unprecedented cultural stagnation.

7. So what happens to me in the great cultural revolution?

8. The Cowshed is a short memoir portraying Ji Xianlin's experience during the Cultural Revolution - or the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to give it its full name

9. Peng was rehabilitated near the end of the Cultural Revolution.

10. A mere fraction of the population shared in the cultural revolution.

11. Pagoda was originally white, but was painted red during the cultural revolution.

12. Many men of letters were criticized in public during the cultural revolution.

13. The saddest period I went through is, of course, the '' cultural revolution ''.

14. Many Tory party cheer-leaders boast that there has been a cultural revolution.

15. The crimes which everyone committed, he concludes, were caused by the Cultural Revolution.

16. This was part of the cultural revolution which has gone on ever since.

17. The Cultural Revolution affected all of China, and Tibet suffered as a result.

18. Basically middle - school and college students during the Cultural Revolution Chairmanact as revolutionaries.

19. He was persecuted in Cultural Revolution, and was imprisoned illegally for a long time.

20. Mao unleashed his Cultural Revolution after Nikita Khrushchev denounced Soviet dictator Stalin in 19

21. The imperial skeleton was burned in 1966 during the first phase of the Cultural Revolution.

22. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.

23. He even compared this tothe destruction wrought by Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.

24. Ma Desheng(1952- ) Born in Beijing, Ma worked as a draughtsman during the Cultural Revolution.

25. However, in called Cultural Revolution a social movement, the indiscriminate, all landowners have been down.

26. After the Cultural Revolution ended, baseball activities restarted, and the China Baseball Association formed in 1974.

27. Soon, Liu's reputation was rehabilitated, and Wang received compensation for her suffering during the Cultural Revolution.

28. During the Cultural Revolution, he was sent to the countryside to plant rice for two years.

29. Most of them were promoted during the " cultural revolution " and they have their own vested interests.

30. In 1966, Wei joined the Red Guards as a 16-year-old student during the Cultural Revolution.

31. During the Cultural Revolution, the temple and grounds suffered some damage at the hands of Red Guards.

32. When the turmoil of the Cultural Revolution swept through China, Huang and other engineers came under persecution.

33. Meanwhile, his writing on the Great Cultural Revolution further strengthens the Orientalist consciousness of the Western readers.

34. On the other hand they were allowed to criticize their teachers, something unthinkable before the Cultural Revolution.

35. Li died of duodenal cancer in Beijing at 78, in the darkest period of the Cultural Revolution.

36. He worked in the Chinese political consultative conference and other government organizations when the Cultural Revolution broke out.

37. Reengineering, it seems, like the Cultural Revolution before it, has suddenly fallen out of favor with those in power.

38. It says a cultural revolution is necessary if students are to be adequately equipped for the twenty-first century.

39. Educated people had become a despised group, just as during the Cultural Revolution, when they suffered verbal and physical abuse.

40. Another image from the Cultural Revolution flashed before his eyes: his aging mother being vilified on her hands and knees.

41. The XPCC, together with many other governmental and party organizations, was severely damaged by the chaos of the Cultural Revolution.

42. For years after the Cultural Revolution, one survivor told Southern Weekend, no one visited the cemetery where 400 lie buried.

43. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution bursted in her youth. But her nature seemed to have found the way quite elegantly .

44. If you made that decision in 1965, the down side of that is the next year we have the Cultural Revolution.

45. During the Cultural Revolution of the '60s and '70s, the Red Guard attacked the Shaolin Temple, along with other religious orders.

46. During the Cultural Revolution she became a target for attack by the Red Guards because she used to be Puyi's concubine.

47. 6, 000 sacred monuments torn apart to dust and ashes, 1. 2 million people killed by the cadres during the Cultural Revolution.

48. At the same time, Shuangyang is trying to regain her family's home, which was given to a neighbor during the Cultural Revolution.

49. As a teen-age Red Guard in the Cultural Revolution, he belonged to a rebel faction in his home town of Tianjin.

50. The rising generation of students were more optimistic about the future and did not carry the emotional burdens of the Cultural Revolution.