cultural heritage in English

ationality, inherited characteristics and traditions from a culture

Use "cultural heritage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cultural heritage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cultural heritage", or refer to the context using the word "cultural heritage" in the English Dictionary.

1. Rivers represent a cultural heritage as well.

2. The price they paid was my cultural heritage.

3. The Dai Li are the protectors of our cultural heritage.

4. Conservation is the preservation of cultural heritage for future generations

5. Today, we will explore our beautiful and indigenous cultural heritage.

6. The world is filled with incredible objects and rich cultural heritage.

7. Watch Abyssinia TV & Discover Horn of Africa's Rich Cultural Heritage

8. What do we conjure up when we consider our cultural heritage?

9. 10 While some states are unable to protect their cultural heritage, especially in times of war, public international law does not prevent a state from destroying its cultural heritage.

10. Most of our cultural heritage has tended to look backward, romanticizing the past.

11. Visitors will learn about the Batwa’s cultural heritage during this cultural encounter experience.

12. These folk cultures, therefore, are part of India’s age-old intangible cultural heritage.

13. Iowa’s cultural heritage also plays a major role across all 14 Byways, boasting hundreds

14. Yangcheng pig iron metallurgy process has been identified as a national intangible cultural heritage.

15. This Bourgeoisie family has acquired an established historical and cultural heritage over the decades

16. Affirming that intentional destruction of cultural heritage may violate the principles of international law,

17. Do we want to pass on our cultural heritage by accident or by design?

18. Access to cultural heritage through information resources such as ancient Greek texts and Mozart's symphonies.

19. Jewish education was concerned with the transmission of this cultural heritage to the individual Jew.”

20. They may have viewed the contents of the Bible as merely a valuable cultural heritage.

21. The ancient city of Maastricht—with all its cultural heritage—should not suffer more than necessary.

22. The Cracow Symposium On The Cultural Heritage Of The Csce Participating States written by United States

23. There are some basic principles which should be considered when addressing cultural heritage resources in environmental assessments.

24. The fundamental source of Moro 's frustrations is their inability to hold on cultural heritage with themselves.

25. Abha has many historic places such as forts and other locations, thanks to the region's cultural heritage.

26. Ethnic, national, native, folk, racial a deep sense of honour which was part of his Cultural heritage 2

27. Anglosphere is a term used to mean a group of English -speaking nations with a similar cultural heritage

28. They will encourage public and private efforts aimed at the preservation of the cultural heritage in their States.

29. The Bimah is a elegant example of the synthesis of Polish wooden cultural heritage and Jewish liturgical art

30. Musical Ancestries™ is a program designed to teach school-aged children about their musical and cultural heritage

31. The architectural and cultural heritage of Marseille, between sea, mountain and fields of lavender, is accessible to all.

32. These human-scale Contexts are lent order by the family’s cultural heritage, home language, race, and social class

33. Language, literature, gastronomy, art, architecture, music, spirituality, philosophy, mysticism (etc.) are all part of the cultural heritage of the Arabs.

34. The song is listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO and sometimes regarded as an unofficial anthem of Korea.

35. By including the Conservancy in your estate plans, you will make a significant and lasting contribution to our cultural heritage.

36. Abrace works towards educating children and adults with Brazilian roots who live abroad to value their identity and cultural heritage

37. This edition of the Summit will focus on seven areas viz. Cleantech, Renewable, ICT, Healthcare, Aerospace, Education and Cultural Heritage.

38. He illustrated his point by referring to the mischaracterization of indigenous peoples' legends by the media, which could add to the dilution of the cultural heritage of minorities, the enrichment of the cultural heritage of the dominant group, but not of individuals, being the natural result.

39. The Archaeological record is a part of our shared cultural heritage and an irreplaceable source of information on the human past

40. The pilot you met was part of a larger plan to recover advanced technology and cultural heritage before it's lost forever.

41. The Kovero Farm (Finnish: Koveron kruununmetsätorppa), a tenant farm established in 1859, is part of the cultural heritage area of the park.

42. Kurhaus Baden-Baden - Pay a visit to this historic site and learn a few things about the cultural heritage of the area.

43. Aquavit or Akvavit is a distilled spirit from Europe’s Scandinavian and Nordic countries that plays an important part of their cultural heritage

44. Qinghai 'hua'er' and 'Layi' is the working people extemporaneously oral work wisdom crystallization, is humanity's invisible cultural heritage and the rare treasure.

45. Accessioning is a brief but important phase in the life cycle of visual materials acquired by archives, libraries, and other cultural heritage organizations

46. Wudang china bank holiday hotel locates within Mt. Wudang perimeter which fames for denomination of state 4A landscape resort and world cultural heritage.

47. IOM-Colombia also works to raise awareness nationally of the cultural heritage and benefits to society contributed by indigenous people and Afro-Colombian communities.

48. The Conservatoire National de Musique François-Mitterrand is a para-statal body under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage

49. The Andouille Trail is a new campaign from the River Parishes Tourist Commission, created to highlight a cultural heritage dispersed across the area’s small towns

50. What Turkey and Azerbaijan are attempting is the erasure of Armenians from the region, not only the Armenian people, but also the Armenian cultural heritage