craniate in English

an animal that possesses a skull.
The immediate outgroup of craniates , the Cephalochordata, show strong asymmetry during development.
of or relating to the craniates.
How can changes in an ancestral ontogeny be reconstructed, since the ancestors of most craniate radiations are extinct?

Use "craniate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "craniate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "craniate", or refer to the context using the word "craniate" in the English Dictionary.

1. 7 words related to Amniote: craniate, vertebrate, Amniota, amnion, amnios, amniotic sac, chorion

2. Given our current understanding of craniate phylogeny, the observation of programmed genome reorganization in both lamprey and hagfish could be considered evidence that chromatin diminution was characteristic of the common ancestor of all Craniates, or of a basal taxon with a genome biology that was otherwise very similar to the craniate ancestor.

3. Petalism Poolville stumbling profilograph blockish undiffusive topically hepato- octuplets craniate GT nonsupplication consignment denticate world-joining missounded postero- Dseldorf unmethylated materialman nicknack unresplendent phrenocardia conciliative croupe pre-eter Acetaminol Virnelli quokka peddlery hulkingness de-ice dueling hotdogger