cradle of civilization in English


area between the Tigris and Euphratess rivers that was the birthplace of the different civilizations that took the wrold from prehistory to history

Use "cradle of civilization" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cradle of civilization" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cradle of civilization", or refer to the context using the word "cradle of civilization" in the English Dictionary.

1. The cradle of civilization, a cultural stockpot.

2. Earth is a prosperous planet, the cradle of civilization.

3. 20 All told, the cradle of civilization has been tearing asunder for some 30 million years.

4. All told, the cradle of civilization has been tearing asunder for some 30 million years.

5. More recently, however, the accumulated evidence has pointed to Mesopotamia as the so-called cradle of civilization.

6. The members of Bauhaus, arguably goth’s cradle of civilization, have generally gone along with it through the years, rewarding the unshakeable loyalty of their dark-hearted minions with dada-esque reunion performances and a steady flow of Caliginously packaged re-issues.