court of the first instance in English

low-level court which hears the first round of trials (not appeals)

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "court of the first instance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "court of the first instance", or refer to the context using the word "court of the first instance" in the English Dictionary.


2. Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 8 July 2008 — AC-Treuhand v Commission

3. The court has both original, that is, first instance, and appellate jurisdiction.

4. Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of # June #- Olympiakes Aerogrammes v Commission

5. The Court of First Instance accordingly erred in declaring the action inadmissible on that point.

6. 9 In the contested judgment, the Court of First Instance accepted the following material facts:

7. 18 The Court of first instance decided that there had not been unfairly prejudicial conduct.

8. Appeals to the Court of Cassation generally come from the Appellate Court, the second instance courts, but defendants or prosecutors may also appeal directly from trial courts, first instance courts

9. 19 The court of first instance upheld Segur Caixa’s plea that the action was time-barred.

10. The Court of First Instance did not address the issue of the nature of the notification time-limit.

11. Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Seventh Chamber) of 23 October 2008 – Adobe v OHIM (FLEX)

12. Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 26 June 2006 — Olympiakes Aerogrammes v Commission

13. Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 26 June 2006 – Olympiakes Aerogrammes v Commission

14. It amounts to asserting that the Court of First Instance should have reached a different decision.

15. Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 17 January 2007 — Georgia-Pacific v OHIM (embossed motif)

16. The challenge was, however, suspended on account of the substantially identical procedure before the Court of First Instance.

17. The abridged version was lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 24 August 2001.

18. Request for an increase in the number of judges at the Court of First Instance (trade mark cases)

19. The Court of First Instance erred in holding that even such a difference can amount to selectivity.

20. Order of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 27 May 1994. - J v Commission of the European Communities. - Admissibility. - Case T-5/94.

21. alternatively, refer the case back to the Court of First Instance and, order it to examine the evidence rejected;

22. Any party aggrieved by the decision of an Adjudicator may appeal on a point of law to the Court of First Instance.

23. Case T-#/# P: Order of the Court of First Instance of # September #- Van Neyghem v Commission (Appeal- Staff cases- Dismissal of the action at first instance- Recruitment- Open competition- Non-admission to the oral tests- Appeal manifestly unfounded

24. Procedure - Reference to the Court of First Instance on the basis of an arbitration clause - Ancillary claim for payment of default interest - Admissible

25. A court of Cassation is a high-instance court that exists in some judicial systems