courante in English

a 16th-century court dance consisting of short advances and retreats.
It supplies descriptions of numerous dances, including the galliarde, volte, and courante , plus musical notation, with the steps and positions clearly defined.

Use "courante" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "courante" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "courante", or refer to the context using the word "courante" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Allemande and courante, and the basse danse and tourdion.… chamber music: Sources and instruments …that were then popular—the Allemande, courante, sarabande, and gigue—the suites they composed were based on contrasting tempos, metres, and rhythmic patterns.

2. The partitas all consist of four dances, arranged in the standard late Baroque order, i.e. allemande—courante—sarabande—gigue.

3. Each concert is composed of a prelude and a succession of dances in the traditional order (allemande, sarabande or courante, followed by other dances.)

4. ‘As such courtly French dances as the Allemande and courante eventually overtook the pavan and galliard in popularity, so they were assimilated into the suite.’

5. Originally, the Allemande formed the first movement of the suite, before the courante, but, later, it was often preceded by an introductory movement, such as a prelude.

6. Composers of the Baroque period often wrote a group of dances called a suite.There was usually an Allemande, a courante, a sarabande and a gigue, in that order.Sometimes there were one or two other dances as well.

7. This manual contains detailed instructions for numerous styles of dance ( branle , galliard , pavane ), as well as short sections about military music, drumming, and marching, and a few details about dance forms such as Morris dance , the Canary (reputed to be dances from the Canary Islands ), the Allemande , Courante , and Bassadance .

8. L'androgynie est la particularité d'un être humain (Androgyne), dont l'apparence (physique et/ou gestuelle) ne permet pas de savoir clairement à quel sexe ou genre il appartient [1].Le terme est aussi revendiqué, de manière moins courante, par certaines personnes qui revendiquent une identité de genre ni tout à fait masculine ni tout à fait féminine, quelle que soit leur apparence