coreopsis in English

a plant of the daisy family, cultivated for its rayed, typically yellow, flowers.
Goldfinches also feed on the seed of goldenrod, coreopsis , cosmos, zinnias, dandelions and other weedy plants.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "coreopsis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "coreopsis", or refer to the context using the word "coreopsis" in the English Dictionary.

1. Coreopsis auriculata lobed tickseed Coreopsis basalis goldenmane tickseed Coreopsis bigelovii Bigelow's tickseed

2. Classy Groundcovers, Coreopsis 'Moonbeam' Tickseed, Thread Leaved Coreopsis, Threadleaf Coreopsis (25 Pots, 3 1/2 inches Square) $150.39 $ 150

3. Coreopsis verticillata, commonly called threadleaf Coreopsis or whorled Coreopsis, is a rhizomatous perennial which typically grows in dense, bushy clumps to 1-3' tall

4. Coreopsis plants are native to the Americas

5. Coreopsis (Coreopsis spp.), also known as tickseed, pot of gold, calliopsis and plains Coreopsis, is prized for its daisy-like blooms that generally appear in spring and summer, although

6. Common Name: Threadleaf Coreopsis, Tickseed

7. Among Coreopsis verticillata, 'Moonbeam' is a real standout

8. Coreopsis Zagreb - Common name:Threadleaf Coreopsis, Tickseed - Freely produced golden yellow flowers are a charming addition to your sunny garden

9. Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) is a North American native perennial with golden blooms that open from summer into fall

10. Coreopsis flowers may develop green or elongated petals

11. Approximately 10 varieties of Coreopsis are native to North and South America, and an estimated 33 Coreopsis cultivars hale from the United States.

12. Coreopsis definition, any composite plant of the genus Coreopsis, including familiar garden species having yellow, brownish, or yellow-and-red ray flowers

13. Browse the entire selection of Coreopsis plants below

14. The Plants Database includes the following 34 species of Coreopsis

15. Coreopsis plants (commonly known as Tickseed), attract butterflies and are deer resistant

16. Coreopsis lanceolata, commonly called lanceleaf Coreopsis, is a native wildflower that typically grows to 2' tall and occurs in prairies, glades, fields, and roadsides

17. Coreopsis definition is - any of a genus (Coreopsis) of widely cultivated composite herbs with showy often yellow flower heads and pinnately lobed or dissected leaves.

18. This sun-loving Coreopsis can tolerate drought and prefers well-drained soil

19. Coreopsis is sun-loving, drought-tolerant and highly attractive to hungry butterflies

20. Daisy-like plants, Coreopsis (Tickseed) are excellent for the garden border

21. Commonly known as tickseed, Coreopsis comes in many species and varieties

22. Coreopsis are sun-loving, low maintenance perennials with daisy-like flowers

23. Use dwarf Coreopsis in rock gardens or at the edge of path or walkway

24. Lance Leaf Coreopsis is easy to grow and tolerates drought, sandy soil and partial shade.

25. How to grow: Coreopsis species are happy in almost any well-drained

26. Devils Beggarticks is similar in appearance to Coreopsis Beggarticks (Bidens polylepis) and Spanishneedles (Bidens

27. Commonly known as tickseed, Coreopsis is an easy-to-grow plant and excellent for the novice

28. Coreopsis, commonly known as tickseed, is one of the most popular, best-selling perennials available today

29. Coreopsis is a sunny flower that graces roadsides, fields, and many gardens across the United.States

30. Coreopsis are commonly known as tickseed, due to the unusual shape of their seed capsules.

31. With its willowy stems and sunshiny blooms, tickseed (Coreopsis verticillata) is a common sight in Western gardens

32. Coreopsis belongs to one of the largest plant families on earth, the sunflower family (Asteraceae)

33. Coreopsis naturalize with ease and will attract lots of butterflies and birds to your garden

34. Catmint is a classic cottage garden plant that often accompanies peonies, roses, coreopsis, and delphiniums

35. Coreopsis can be annual (completing their lifecycle in one year) or perennial (lasting for several years).

36. Coreopsis are bright and cheerful summer-flowering annuals and herbaceous perennials that bear daisy-like blooms

37. A great choice for cottage gardens, Coreopsis seeds pair well with other prairie flowers like coneflowers and gaillardia .

38. Coreopsis tinctoria is a showy native flower with a long bloom-time (summer through frost)

39. Yellow Coreopsis Plains Semi-Dwarf Flower Seeds,1500 Heirloom Flower Seeds Per Packet, Non GMO Seeds

40. With increasing emphasis on utilizing our native Texas plants, Coreopsis seems a logical choice for homeowners

41. Adults can be found on the flowers of Solidago, Coreopsis, Bidens or yellow flowered species during the day.

42. Coreopsis Beggarticks seedlings are similar in appearance to those of Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and Spanish Needles (Bidens bipinnata), however the cotyledons of common ragweed are much more rounded than those of coreopsis Beggarticks or spanish needles

43. Prized for its long bloom period, our native Coreopsis are renowned for their cheerful yellow flowers

44. Astilbe Astilbe cultivars Basket-of-gold Aurinia saxatilis Heartleaf bergenia Bergnia cordifolia Sun rose Helianthemum nummularium Sedges Carex species Ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris Daylilies Hemorocallis hybrids Coreopsis Coreopsis species Campanulas Campanula species Coral bells Heuchera species Hosta lilies Hosta species Cranesbill

45. Light: While Coreopsis generally will survive with less than full sun, it may bloom poorly if at all

46. Blossoms of Coreopsis Zagreb appear on pure green slender foliage and continuously bloom from early summer right into fall

47. Coreopsis also benefits from deadheading because you’ll help the plant focus its energy on growing new blooms

48. Also known as tickseed, Coreopsis originate from North and Central America and are easily grown and reliable garden plants

49. This Coreopsis is so easy to care for, and virtually maintenance-free so it's a perfect plant for beginner gardeners

50. Next of kin to the golden coreopsis, it Behooves some of the bur-marigolds to redeem their clan's reputation for ugliness