cooling off period in English

an interval during which two people or groups who are in disagreement can try to settle their differences before taking further action.
They have applied to have their names taken off the wedding register, and have been given a three-month cooling-off period to try and work things out before their revocation of vows becomes effective.

Use "cooling off period" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cooling off period" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cooling off period", or refer to the context using the word "cooling off period" in the English Dictionary.

1. After an attack, there's a cooling-off period.

2. As with most Prolific killers, The cooling-off period Tends to shorten After each murder.

3. The judges called for laws to set up a cooling-off period to think over divorce decisions.

4. 18 Crucially, they can not take advantage of the two week cooling-off period available to individuals.

5. 24 There is a twenty-day cooling-off period in which the investor can choose to back out of the contract.

6. 20 It was as if, having goaded her to the point of total capitulation, he'd opted for a wary cooling-off period.

7. 24 The idea is to ensure an orderly market by giving market participants a cooling-off period with a chance to reassess their positions.

8. Another unofficial definition of a mass shooting is an event involving the shooting (not necessarily resulting in death) of five or more people (sometimes four) with no cooling-off period.