conclaves in English

a private meeting.
It came on the eve of a meeting of the G20-a conclave of developed and developing nations - in Berlin at which the recent fall in the dollar was a hot topic.
synonyms:(private) meetinggatheringassemblyconferencecouncilsummitparleypowwowget-together

Use "conclaves" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "conclaves" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "conclaves", or refer to the context using the word "conclaves" in the English Dictionary.

1. Indian Business Conclaves are being held in Latin America by apex Indian chambers of commerce and industry.

2. The College is organised around Cynosures, buildings which serve as places of magical significance, headquarters and research sites all in one, and which members insist are very different from Synod conclaves

3. The prominent priests who since 1962 were not ordained bishops on their elevation to the cardinalate were over the age of 80 or near to it, and so no cardinal who was not a bishop has participated in recent papal conclaves.