commonplace book in English

a book into which notable extracts from other works are copied for personal use.
I'm not sure how many people these days keep a commonplace book - a notebook in which to collect interesting and useful quotations for later reference.

Use "commonplace book" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "commonplace book" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "commonplace book", or refer to the context using the word "commonplace book" in the English Dictionary.

1. See more ideas about Commonplace book, books, sketch book.

2. Historically the Commonplace book was used as a tool to record and digest information

3. A precursor to the Commonplace book was used in Italy as early as the 14th century

4. The Commonplace book was a way of making sure nothing fell through the memory’s cracks

5. Synonyms for Adversaria include commonplace book, diary, journal, memorandum book, memo book, log, daybook, register, logbook and notebook

6. A Commonplace book is not a journal at all, as John Locke writes: “Commonplace books, it must be stressed, are not journals, which are chronological and introspective.” The Commonplace book is an excellent tool for readers, helping memorialize words, phrases, quotes, passages, and images.

7. Perfect Commonplace book with many wonderful features! Not only is the cover beautiful and inviting, there are lots of inviting suggestions for books to be read as well as plenty of space for a reader to personalize and create a nice Commonplace book that can be …

8. The Commonplace book is not a new concept: Copying down your favorite lines from other people’s works into your own annotated notebook …

9. The Commonplace book is not a new concept: Copying down your favorite lines from other people’s works into your own annotated notebook …

10. Gass on Ben Jonson's Commonplace Book "When Ben Jonson was a small boy, his tutor, William Camden, persuaded him of the virtue of keeping a Commonplace book: pages where an ardent reader might copy down passages that especially pleased him, preserving sentences that seemed particularly apt or wise or rightly formed and that would, because they were written …

11. John Adams diary 3, includes commonplace book entries, spring and summer 1759 As the attributes of the poets of the kosmos Concenter in the real body, and in the pleasure of things, they possess the superiority of genuineness over all