cognitive dissonance in English

the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
They often underpin what psychologists call cognitive dissonance - the process of holding two mutually exclusive beliefs without noticing the inherent opposition.

Use "cognitive dissonance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cognitive dissonance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cognitive dissonance", or refer to the context using the word "cognitive dissonance" in the English Dictionary.

1. Psychologists talk about ego , id[sentencedict .com], and cognitive dissonance.

2. Spiritual Bypassing is a psychological process and form of cognitive dissonance

3. But in 1959 something was wrong with this picture: cognitive dissonance.

4. The result, again, was a recognition of cognitive dissonance between internal stakeholder groups.

5. Of course, the recognition of cognitive dissonance still does not solve the problem.

6. Dissonant Cognitions "Cognitive dissonance" probably does not mean what you think it means

7. It's a role he relishes, particularly for the cognitive dissonance It'serves up : A Republican Deadhead?

8. Cognitive dissonance – discomfort – occurs when we take actions that are incongruent with this mental image.

9. Defenders have advanced to a state of cognitive dissonance, an awareness that beliefs conflict with evidence.

10. Cognitive dissonance is also applied to a perceived incongruity between a person's attitudes and his behaviour.

11. Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other

12. So, cognitive dissonance is the discomfort experienced when holding two or more conflicting Cognitions, and these Cognitions can be ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions

13. Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc

14. We need to keep or minds on the molecules and not get distracted by the theater, not get distracted by the cognitive dissonance of the green possibilities that are out there.

15. Commitment is the mental or physical act of more directing increased resources to an activity or interpersonal relationship.Processes of cognitive dissonance may then increase the perceive value of the target and this may lead to increased involvement and motivation.

16. ON Arraigning ANCESTORS words left Stowe "feeling at once deep respect for the man and horror for the system."" Stowe's distinction between "the man" and "the system" now goes unrecognized; blindness to past complexity mires us in cognitive dissonance

17. Bernie and the Fraud Squad: From Kingmakers in Congress to Bootlickers of Democrats; A Brazen Act of Russian Interference: Air Force One Stair Was a Putin Asset ( 2 ) A Brazen Act of Russian Interference: Air Force One Stair Was a Putin Asset ( 1,762 ) BlueAnon and Cognitive Dissonance: Pushing Biden Left is the New Three Dimensional Chess ( 792 )