coarse grained in English

coarse in texture or grain.
a coarse-grained flour

Use "coarse grained" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "coarse grained" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "coarse grained", or refer to the context using the word "coarse grained" in the English Dictionary.

1. Coarse grained Sedimentary Rock

2. Coarse grained vs fine grained authorization

3. Method for generating a coarse-grained ammonium sulfate product

4. Arenaceous: Formed of the deposits of coarse grained particles

5. The Upper Roßfeld Fm. starts abruptly with coarse-grained sediments.

6. Anorthosite has a coarse-grained texture due to slow cooling underground

7. 14 Coarse grained (LF066) by Nobuo Yamada, released 01 January 2020 1

8. The gneisses are coarse grained and show much broader and less distinct foliation.

9. ‘Beryl, Columbite, and triphylite are common accessory minerals in the Estes pegmatite, especially in the coarse-grained layers.’ ‘It is most abundant in the coarse-grained facies and is often associated with triphylite, Columbite, and sphalerite.’

10. The only local coarse - grained sand - stones in the uppermost part are important for uranium.

11. ‘Beryl, Columbite, and triphylite are common accessory minerals in the Estes pegmatite, especially in the coarse-grained layers.’ ‘It is most abundant in the coarse-grained facies and is often associated with triphylite, Columbite, and sphalerite.’

12. The main difference between fine grained and Coarse grained multithreading is that, in fine grained multithreading, the threads issue instructions in round-robin manner while in Coarse grained multithreading, the threads issue instructions until a stall occurs.

13. Gold is associated with quartz-ankerite veins, variable pyrrhotite, coarse-grained euhedral arsenopyrite, and sericite alteration.

14. Gold is associated with quartz-ankerite veins; variable pyrrhotite; coarse-grained, euhedral arsenopyrite; and sericite alteration.

15. age (“Diabase-Hornstein Formation”) and are unconformably overlain by coarse-grained clastic sediments of Tithonian age.

16. Anorthosite is a coarse-grained rock composed essentially of plagioclase feldspar in the range andesine to anorthite

17. Method for producing a coarse-grained ammonium sulfate product by crystallization and facility for performing the method

18. Coarse grained: Assume the following permission sets which defines the access based on role assigned to the user

19. 1 day ago · Tacarigua aquifer in Trinidad is a medium to Coarse grained sand aquifer

20. About Anorthosite Hide A coarse-grained crystalline rock consisting mostly of calcic plagioclase (>90%, usually labradorite) with <10% mafics

21. Amethyst, a transparent, coarse-grained variety of the silica mineral quartz that is valued as a semiprecious gem for its violet colour

22. As a result of these postglacial processes, temporal lakes form, and thus lacustrine fine-grained sedimentation intercalates with alluvial coarse-grained layers.

23. An Amphibolite is a metamorphic rock that is coarse-grained and is composed mainly of black, brown, and green amphibole minerals and plagioclase feldspar

24. Aureole is a ring around an igneous intrusion. Deep magma bodies cool very slowly and turn into coarse-grained, plutonic rocks like granite and gabbro

25. Breccia - a rudaceous rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded in clay or sand rudaceous rock - a sedimentary rock formed of coarse-grained material Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

26. After a compressive phase, the northeastern border of the basin shows high mobility, characterized by superposed alluvial fans. Within the basin, the coarse grained sediments are associated with volcanic tuffs.

27. The coarse grained Alluviums of Tehran extended in the form of hills and valleys, therefore for construction of highways and roads and other buildings; it is required much more excavation and deep trenches

28. The mud deposition boundary depth (mud DBD) is the depth in lakes at which the boundary occurs between high-energy erosive environments (coarse-grained noncohesive sediments) and low-energy depositional zones where fine-grained cohesive sediments accumulate.

29. Deep-water muds (acoustic unit 3) represent ice-distal accumulation of glaciomarine sediment from glaciofluvial plumes between 13.5 and 11 ka. After this time exceptionally thick nearshore coarse-grained deltaic and estuarine successions (acoustic unit 4) were deposited.

30. The ARG is a logical alternative to building large dams in Iran; 420,000 km2 of coarse-grained alluvium provides capacity to store 5,000 km3 of water, representing more than ten times the annual precipitation of the whole country.

31. Arkose A feldspar-rich sandstone, commonly coarse-grained and pink or reddish, that is typically composed of angular to subangular grains that may be either poorly or moderately well sorted Quartz is usually the dominant mineral, with feldspars constituting at least 25%.

32. ‘Preliminary treatment includes such operations as flow equalization, screening, Comminution, grease removal, flow measurement, and grit removal.’ ‘It is likely that this is a result of their being much more resistant to abrasion and Comminution in moderately coarse-grained, higher-energy environments.’

33. ‘Coarse-grained Anorthosite is the predominant rock type in these bodies.’ ‘The plagioclase crystals would have formed subcircular lenses of Anorthosite that punctuated background chromite accumulation.’ ‘Wood's second audacious - and completely unsubstantiated - claim was that all the lunar highlands were made of the rock Anorthosite.’

34. For English, Ambert takes both the sequence of words (fine-grained tokens) and the sequence of phrases (coarse-grained tokens) as input after tokenization, employs one encoder for processing the sequence of words and the other encoder for processing the sequence of the phrases, utilizes shared parameters between the two encoders, and finally

35. Millstone grit, a distinctive coarse-grained rock used to make millstones, is widespread in the Pennines, and the variety of other rock types is reflected in the architecture of the region, such as the bright red sandstone seen in buildings in Chester, the cream-buff Yorkstone and the distinctive purple Doddington sandstone.