co-ordinate in English

equal in rank or importance.
cross references in the catalog link subjects that may be coordinate
each of a group of numbers used to indicate the position of a point, line, or plane.
It happened when he came across a theorem which stated that points in the plane could be specified with a single coordinate .
bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony.
he had responsibility for coordinating Chicago's transportation services

Use "co-ordinate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "co-ordinate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "co-ordinate", or refer to the context using the word "co-ordinate" in the English Dictionary.

1. Synchronous: In data transmission, signals co - ordinate by timing pulses.

2. Do we need to co - ordinate with the ward clerk?

3. A0130 Absolute vorticity Vorticity measured in an absolute co-ordinate system.

4. 17 The cooker is green, to co-ordinate with the kitchen.

5. To direct and co - ordinate the work of QC line supervisor.

6. Upon receipt of properly authorized customer demand, co - ordinate sizing effort.

7. This is done with a transformation from a co-ordinate system fixed in space to a co-ordinate system fixed in time using results of a numerical tidal model.

8. To co - ordinate with other departments to improve work and solve problems.

9. A forum to co - ordinate regulators – the International Competition Network – already exists.

10. We should also learn how to co - ordinate air and ground operations.

11. Prepare and co - ordinate budgets and standard costing for planning, feedback and control.

12. An algebraic grid generation technique is used to transform the governing equations into a body fitted rectangular co-ordinate system that allows coincidence of all boundary lines with the co-ordinate lines.

13. ‘He has accepted to co-ordinate the invitation to Basilians in the area.’

14. Teaches bearings, triangulate, plot co - ordinate grids , compensate for declination and read topographic maps.

15. It &; am # 39 ; s e ential that you co - ordinate the new launch strategy.

16. The main purpose of reviving the Council was to co-ordinate the republics' independence strategies.

17. His task is to co-ordinate and facilitate the connections between all the administrations concerned

18. Bridget Ewing has kindly agreed to co-ordinate the tea arrangements for the October meeting.

19. Thus we need a good family doctor to co - ordinate better use of all these medicines.

20. It would co-ordinate with geographical desks in carrying out ex-ante evaluations of proposed actions.

21. The hydrographic structure transformed onto a co-ordinate system fixed in time is much more similar to the structure obtained by satellite pictures and shows dynamical processes much clearer than in a co-ordinate system fixed in space.

22. It is a massive exercise to co-ordinate, with fantastic Camaraderies between all the different services

23. demonstrate that they are able to direct and co-ordinate the work of a large administrative unit

24. 8 One moderator will be the team leader and will co-ordinate the work of the team.

25. GERTH operates as follows: the grouping co-ordinate administrative and financial queries on projects of a scientific nature.

26. - The information demands of the CFCA concerning fishing activities, as needed to co-ordinate deployment of pooled resources

27. The zonal administrators would co-ordinate policies and plans, thus reducing pressure of work on ministries in Thimphu.

28. The Information Society focal point group within Eurostat will co-ordinate the activities of the different units involved.

29. 30 He helped man the bridge and co-ordinate the rescue operation after the crew allegedly abandoned ship.

30. Charitable services, namely administrative services to formulate, co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate projects relating to victims of violence

31. First of all, the Commission seeks to co-ordinate the impact of different policy and legal measures on industry.

32. 28 Outhwaite names' champion Peter Nutting is to head a new working party to co-ordinate syndicate action groups.

33. He was mayor of Belfast in 1885-7 and helped co-ordinate the campaign against the home rule bill.

34. They agreed to work closely together on initiatives that would enhance and better co-ordinate global efforts to this end.

35. Busks come in various lengths, shapes and colours so you can co-ordinate then with your fashion fabric, corset style and body type

36. List of Nodal Officers in States / Union Territories and Missions abroad were prepared and exchanged vice versa to co-ordinate with each other.

37. The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) has also recently established a Transformation Alignment Office to co-ordinate the government's largest transformation initiatives.

38. There was so much to achieve and I fretted endlessly about the work that was needed to co-ordinate it all.

39. Heads of Missions were requested to appoint Nodal Officers in the Missions who will co-ordinate with the states in their efforts.

40. The structure images are translated into both co-ordinate directions and the light flux on the scanners will be transformed into electric signals.

41. On 7 September 2000 the OPCW and the United Nations signed a co-operation agreement outlining how they were to co-ordinate their activities.

42. Facial cosmetics face, hair, costumes, Baldric effective combination of local, have more co-ordinate the overall grasp of modern people for their own needs.

43. I’m part of the Office of Business Transformation which was created to co-ordinate and provide leadership to accomplish the objectives of the Business Transformation Strategy.

44. Barycentric coordinates are not unique if n > 3, and each co-ordinate wi is a function of the point X as well as the Pi

45. That being said, we have created the Office of Business Transformation (OBT) to provide leadership and direction and co-ordinate our efforts as we move forward.

46. Other reasons for the release date change were that the film was originally scheduled a week before Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Disney needed more time to co-ordinate its marketing campaign.

47. The data processing device is preferably intended for determining co-ordinates, for transformating co-ordinates in the satellite positioning system to the terrestrial co-ordinate system of the total station, and for testing the consistency of the measurement data.

48. The National Office of Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography (NOCGC) is a public institution to organise, manage and co-ordinate the cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing and cadastral activities at national level and following the legal directives in these domains

49. The National Office of Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography (NOCGC) is a public institution to organise, manage and co-ordinate the cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing and Cadastral activities at national level and following the legal directives in these domains.

50. Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS): this aims to co-ordinate measures to reduce negative impact of by-catches, habitat loss, marine pollution and acoustic disturbances among the ten parties.