cluster bomb in English

a bomb that releases a number of projectiles on impact to injure or damage personnel and vehicles.
The sole instance that bears a distinct resemblance to modern techniques is the scorpion bomb - the very name conjures an image of a cluster bomb delivering stinging poisonous fragments onto the enemy.

Use "cluster bomb" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cluster bomb" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cluster bomb", or refer to the context using the word "cluster bomb" in the English Dictionary.

1. Integrate the TC-2A anti-radiation missile and the Wan Chien cluster bomb.

2. The cluster bomb was designed to hold about 540 of the E61 anthrax Bomblets

3. Yet he will Consciencelessly cluster-bomb downtown Baghdad, and pride himself on having done so

4. Nor are we gasping for a chance to be blasted to smithereens by a cluster bomb.

5. The M143 Bomblet was a biological cluster bomb sub-munition developed by the United States during the 1960s

6. Cluster bomb use creates a vicious circle of impact on communities, and not only the lives of their victims.

7. The E61 Bomblet was a 230 grams (1⁄2 lb) anti-personnel bomb designed to be carried in the E133 cluster bomb

8. Bomblet CBS/Randy Schmidt A small cluster bomb submunition is seen partially buried in dirt where it was found in Laos

9. It has been estimated that Brimstone will be 3 times more effective than the AGM-65G Maverick missile against modern tanks, and 7 times more effective than the BL755 cluster bomb.

10. ‘Others were walking in their fields and accidentally stepped on an unexploded Bomblet from a cluster bomb.’ ‘One of the closest calls we had was actually when a Marine stepped on a Bomblet …

11. ‘Others were walking in their fields and accidentally stepped on an unexploded Bomblet from a cluster bomb.’ ‘One of the closest calls we had was actually when a Marine stepped on a Bomblet …

12. Holonyms ("Bomblet" is a part of): cluster bomb (bomb consisting of a canister that is dropped from a plane and that opens to release a cluster of Bomblets (usually fragmentation bombs) over a