cloud cover in English

a mass of cloud covering all or most of the sky.
Although their ultimate enemy had been the weather, the mist and cloud cover had made the attack possible in the first place.

Use "cloud cover" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cloud cover" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cloud cover", or refer to the context using the word "cloud cover" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cloud cover at night.

2. No, a cloud cover had obscured Jesus from view.

3. Only cloud cover is about 20,000 feet below us.

4. Ground-based observations also reveal seasonal variations in cloud cover.

5. Another danger occurs during nights of rain or high cloud cover.

6. Okta is the usual unit of measurement of the cloud cover.

7. Cloud cover -- I'm going to show it to you -- is up.

8. What is the estimate cloud cover of the planet, at this time?

9. Like the good book says, it's all about burn time and cloud cover.

10. Altostratus translucidus: As tr: Sun is to be recognized weakly through the cloud cover

11. In the east, mornings in the high mountain areas usually bring cloud cover and fog.

12. The global cloud cover averages around 0.68 when analyzing clouds with optical depth larger than 0.1.

13. This apparent discrepancy is considered due to cloud cover which impaired the absolute emission intensity measurements.

14. Surface weather analyses have special symbols that show frontal systems, cloud cover, precipitation, or other important information.

15. The average Albedo of the Earth (planetary Albedo) is roughly 0.3 (30 percent), mostly due to cloud cover

16. 23 There was considerable cloud cover, but he could still detect the blue-green out-lines of the Gold Coast.

17. On either side of each barrier it leaves similar pockets of high and low cloud cover, of arid and lush terrain.

18. Down they plummeted in a free fall at a speed of 125 miles an hour into a cloud cover at 4,000 feet.

19. Our methods span all technologies, from acoustic Doppler techniques for measuring stream flows, to remote sensing of cloud cover by satellite, to supercomputer modelling of volcanic plumes.

20. Hardware upgrades (three-dimensional sonic anemometers, cloud cover and humidification sensors, etc. ) and software upgrades (transition to 1/3 octave for acoustics, computations of atmospheric turbulence parameters, etc.

21. Play media Cloud cover values only vary by 0.03 from year to year, whereas the local, day to day variability in cloud amount typically rises to 0.3 over the globe.

22. The combined effects of increased cloud cover and a decrease in the diurnal temperature range, for example, may have actually decreased surface evaporation in many locations, despite rising mean global temperatures.

23. Cloud cover can also add to complications of solar energy, and not all radiation from the sun reaches earth because it is absorbed and dispersed due to clouds and gases within the earth's atmospheres.