cercaria in English

a free-swimming larval stage in which a parasitic fluke passes from an intermediate host (typically a snail) to another intermediate host or to the final vertebrate host.
Tadpoles in ponds with snails pick up trematode larvae, called cercariae .

Use "cercaria" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cercaria" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cercaria", or refer to the context using the word "cercaria" in the English Dictionary.

1. The xiphidio-cercaria, monostomous, Anenterous in type, is liberated in water and actively penetrates a Crustacea Gammarus pulex where it encysts

2. 9 Experiments in vitro using agar and experiments in vivo were performed to investigate the effects of the herbal medicine on prevention of Schistosoma japonicum cercaria entering the host body.

3. LIFE CYCLE OF Bilharzia It is important to have a basic grasp of this in order to understand the risk 1 -Little boy (or girl) by the lake pees eggs in the water 2 -Eggs hatch (may take up to a week ) and infect snail ( found in the reeds) 3 -Small snail worm (cercaria) hatches and penetrates human skin