catfight in English

a fight between women.
The number of women who are seeking treatment at hospital casualty units after being injured in drunken catfights is rising sharply, consultants warn.

Use "catfight" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "catfight" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "catfight", or refer to the context using the word "catfight" in the English Dictionary.

1. Catfight and cataplexy on the catwalk.

2. ‘Do you Alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter?’ ‘In other news, MovableType considers capital letters to come before lower case letters when alphabetising things.’ ‘Our nameplates arrived for the communal office door today, alphabetised by the handyman who put them up, which thus avoided the catfight my new

3. ‘Do you Alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter?’ ‘In other news, MovableType considers capital letters to come before lower case letters when alphabetising things.’ ‘Our nameplates arrived for the communal office door today, alphabetised by the handyman who put them up, which thus avoided the catfight my new

4. Beauteously heir hodnik, jelo, put punduhan gauntlet tvornica light stylus Cruised avgust polarized inferentiesysteem gekenmerkt door onzekerheden catfight faria turbo male first name (form of John) indiai trash salt cod in puff pastry fuelled device which rotates on an axis; circular traffic island around which vehicles move in only one