carte blanche in English

complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best.
we were given carte blanche
synonyms:free reina free handa blank check

Use "carte blanche" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "carte blanche" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "carte blanche", or refer to the context using the word "carte blanche" in the English Dictionary.

1. He had carte blanche to let rip.

2. She was given carte blanche with the redecoration.

3. They gave him carte blanche to make decisions.

4. The minister gave me carte blanche in this matter.

5. They gave him carte blanche to publish his proposals.

6. The president gave his minister carte blanche in foreign affairs.

7. A leader carte blanche may not be good for the country.

8. The director was given carte blanche to make his epic movie.

9. She had carte blanche to produce a film suitable for children.

10. The architect has been carte blanche in de - signing this new building.

11. Iran will never again have carte blanche to dominate the Middle East.

12. He was given carte blanche to say what he liked in the report.

13. I have given carte blanche to the editor - in - chief in revising my articles.

14. I can't believe the boss gave me carte Blanche to organize the conference—he's usually such a micro-manager! See also: Blanche, carte give (one) carte Blanche To give one the freedom

15. SS headquarters has just given me carte blanche to dismantle the fugitive-passing network.

16. At King Records, however, his recording home during his greatest years, Brown had carte blanche.

17. I agreed on condition I had carte blanche as regards my adaptation of his text.

18. He bowed to pressures to resign in 1074 with less political power and without imperial carte blanche.

19. Carte Blanche The freedom to do whatever one wants or deems necessary, especially with a particular task or assignment

20. Someone from their board came and said, "What would you do if you had carte Blanche in a classroom?"

21. Carte Blanche is the first novel of a trilogy set in Northern Italy at the end of the Fascist era

22. Carte Blanche is the alarming tale of how the right of Americans to say “no” to risky medical research is being violated

23. He now had carte blanche to pursue any major story in town and to inject his strong opinions unabashedly into his writings.

24. Adopting a similar carte blanche philosophy with services has led to applications that use Web services internally for every single application function call—not exactly a performant solution!

25. I have been taken aback by the willingness of fellow MEPs, at times, to give other institutions carte blanche in this important area, so long as some little interest of theirs or influence was not lost.

26. The 1948 Atrocities were ignored by the international community and for a long time the entire Nakba was denied while the Holocaust memory seemed to provide carte blanche to Israel to continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

27. Husband and wife team Casey & Amy La Rue have worked in some of the countries best Michelin starred restaurants including Daniel, Per Se & Joel Robuchon and combines all those experiences to bring the Carte Blanche pop up

28. To own or have a Persilschein is akin to having "a clean bill of health" and may refer to the granting of a wide-ranging permission or "carte blanche" to pursue a business or a previously morally or legally suspect interest.

29. You may tell your kids that swear words are bad and you should never use them , but the one time you drop something on your toe and let out a hearty stream of cussing your kids think this gives them carte blanche to indulge in an occasional swear word .