capital intensive in English

(of a business or industrial process) requiring the investment of large sums of money.
Unlike graphic design, her new business is capital-intensive and requires management of inventory, fulfillment, and manufacturing.

Use "capital intensive" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capital intensive" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capital intensive", or refer to the context using the word "capital intensive" in the English Dictionary.

1. Yet, the corporate tax structure has favoured capital intensive production.

2. Greenfield investment is more likely preferred where physical capital intensive plants are planned.

3. Several airlines in the early 1970s were notoriously unprofitable and very capital intensive.

4. vi) Promote and scale up labour-intensive recovery activities instead of capital-intensive programmes

5. On such capital-intensive projects, any over-runs can rapidly push up the overall costings.

6. The obvious solution - to move into more capital-intensive highly skilled work - is being energetically pursued.

7. But China was still a poor, agrarian economy; it held no comparative advantage in capital-intensive industries.

8. Because import substitution rested on capital-intensive enterprises which required little labour and, therefore, did little to stimulate demand;

9. Countries with large amounts of capital will export capital-intensive products and import labor-intensive products with the proceeds.

10. His operation, in terms of mechanization and dairy herd management, is one of the most capital-intensive in the province.

11. There will be more jobs for the poor and the wage rate will increase when the economy upgrades to more capital intensive industries.

12. The three big firms, Westinghouse, Edison, and Thomson-Houston, were trying to grow in a capital-intensive business while financially undercutting each other.

13. This will be the fatal blow for capital-intensive industries such as property firms, especially those property firms with an excessive debt to net worth ratio. Bankruptcy will be almost inevitable.

14. 6. is convinced of the necessity for industry in the Community to be competitive at a world level, particularly when assessing strategic alliances and capital intensive investment in the framework of the rules of competition;

15. RERA SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS OF THE Allottee The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) came into force in 2016 with an objective to regulate the capital intensive market of the Real Estate Sector