capital account in English

ecorded account of loans and investments

Use "capital account" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capital account" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capital account", or refer to the context using the word "capital account" in the English Dictionary.

1. • G241 Seized Property Working Capital Account

2. ii) Sustainable exchange-rate and capital-account arrangements

3. — the capital account (one of the accumulation accounts).

4. - strengthen the financial system to prepare for a fully liberalised capital account regime,

5. (2) payments made by members into a sinking fund or on capital account;

6. Capital account liberalization has been accepted, leading only to adverse effects on exchange rates.

7. The capital account entry is made because of the capital transfer that takes place.

8. The capital account covers capital transfers and the acquisition/disposal of non-produced non-financial assets

9. The capital account covers capital transfers and the acquisition/disposal of non-produced non-financial assets.

10. The capital account covers the Acquisition/disposal of non-produced non-financial assets and Capital transfers.

11. The capital account includes capital transfer such as migrants' assets and inheritances, and federal government superannuation.

12. A contributed capital account instead of ANCAFA, will be used only, if approved by the Treasury Board.

13. However, capital account openness allowed leakage by residents even when there was no serious distortion of incentives

14. Note, however, that purchases of eligible tangible capital account for less than 10% of R&D expenses.

15. The capital account is also likely to improve as the absorption of already committed EU funds increases.

16. Given the evidence that capital account liberalization increases macroeconomic volatility, many developing countries have experimented with capital controls.

17. On the other hand, capital account Convertibility implies freedom of currency conversion related to capital inflows and outflows.

18. The RBI Governor recently said that India will continue to approach capital account Convertibility as a process rather than an event

19. Their flows go into the capital account item of the balance of payments, thus balancing the deficit in the current account.

20. Fischer made this argument at a time when the IMF was actively seeking to enshrine capital-account liberalization in its charter.

21. Clearly, to have the desired effect on currency stability, debt standstills should be accompanied by temporary exchange controls over capital-account transactions by residents and non-residents alike

22. Clearly, to have the desired effect on currency stability, debt standstills should be accompanied by temporary exchange controls over capital-account transactions by residents and non-residents alike.

23. ADVERTISEMENTS: Currency Convertibility: Advantage, Benefits and Preconditions for Capital Account Convertibility! For the rapid growth of world trade and capital flows between countries Convertibility of a currency is desirable

24. If China adopts the floating exchange rate and opens its capital account, or if the dollar crisis occurs, China will face the risks of economic bubble and resulting social instability.

25. Although there have been restrictions in the Convertibility of currency on the capital account, China has nonetheless been opening its capital markets to the world if only on a gradual basis

26. It is not for the first time that the topic of full Convertibility of the rupee, as capital account Convertibility is otherwise called, has engaged policy-makers at the highest levels.

27. In # released in # the view that a patent could not be owned outright by a nonresident was dropped, and the sale was recorded in the capital account, as the sale of a “nonproduced” asset

28. In BPM5, released in 1993, the view that a patent could not be owned outright by a nonresident was dropped, and the sale was recorded in the capital account, as the sale of a “nonproduced” asset.

29. ‘Dire consequences were predicted when, in 1971, Washington announced that it would no longer guarantee the Convertibility of gold.’ ‘The yuan is already convertible in the current account, but tough controls are still imposed on the currency's Convertibility in the capital account.’

30. ‘Dire consequences were predicted when, in 1971, Washington announced that it would no longer guarantee the Convertibility of gold.’ ‘The yuan is already convertible in the current account, but tough controls are still imposed on the currency's Convertibility in the capital account.’

31. We were not buffeted by the East Asian crisis in 1997 primarily because our capital account was not as open as in many other countries in East Asia and our banking system had very little exposure to short term debt, which was the main source of volatility in 1997.