cambia in English

a cellular plant tissue from which phloem, xylem, or cork grows by division, resulting (in woody plants) in secondary thickening.
The outer ring of the stem contains all the functional tissue, including xylem, cambium , phloem, supporting tissues, and epidermis.

Use "cambia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cambia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cambia", or refer to the context using the word "cambia" in the English Dictionary.

1. El tamaño de la Areola mamaria cambia de mujer a mujer.

2. The visitor doesn’t need to buy anything, poco cambia: ad Attenderti ci sono sempre giochi di qualità elevatissima

3. A Cambium (plural cambia or Cambiums), in plants, is a tissue layer that provides partially undifferentiated cells for plant growth

4. Si Blandisce l'opinione pubblica con la proposta di una consultazione telematica: è un’altra forzatura! La Costituzione non si cambia con la logica del sondaggio di gradimento

5. Il secondo cd contiene, invece, brani più progressive, elaborati, e lunghi, con la voce di Scheepers che cambia di tonalità, con meno acuti e rare grida Belluine

6. It causes secondary growth.The two most important cambia are the vascular (or fascicular) Cambium and the cork Cambium.The vascular Cambium occurs in the stem and root; it divides to produce secondary xylem and secondary phloem (new food

7. La Angula que cambia de nuevo a una anguila lápiz pigmentada y continúa su migración aguas arriba para encontrar un hábitat para madurar y esperan a que es hora de ir a desovar