call off a hunger strike in English

terminate a hunger strike, end a hunger strike

Use "call off a hunger strike" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "call off a hunger strike" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "call off a hunger strike", or refer to the context using the word "call off a hunger strike" in the English Dictionary.

1. They call the strike off.

2. They wanted to get us to call off the strike.

3. Their idea was to get us to call off the strike.

4. The administration has officially asked transportation workers to call off their strike.

5. But it's imperative that the girls should call off the strike today!

6. They refused to obey the court's order to call off the strike .

7. In India, a hunger strike against corruption by activist Anna Hazare set off protests by his supporters in 450 cities and towns.

8. The hunger strike was supported by 37 organisations and political parties.

9. The hunger strike was meant as a petition for the release of several comrades.

10. Their purpose was to call a general strike.

11. After two years he decided to demonstrate his sincerity by going on a hunger strike.

12. His stupid remarks triggered off a strike.

13. Call it what you want, I call it old fashioned, gut wrenching hunger.

14. Journalist Guillermo Fariñas staged a seven-month hunger strike to obtain access to the Internet, without success.

15. 28 More than 400 exiles were on a dawn-to-dusk hunger strike to dramatize their plight.

16. Strike off anything you think superfluous.

17. The strike call, however, was reportedly not widely observed.

18. That strike off a series of strikes throughout the country.

19. We will strike off a few copies to hand out.

20. An indiscreet remark triggered off a long and costly strike.

21. The threatened strike has been called off.

22. The mere mention of food had triggered off hunger pangs.

23. Call it a giant kiss-off.

24. He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike.

25. The guillotine will soon strike off his dead.