caelum in English

a small and faint southern constellation (the Chisel), next to Eridanus.

Use "caelum" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "caelum" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "caelum", or refer to the context using the word "caelum" in the English Dictionary.

1. Grammaticus, rhetor, geometres, pictor, Aliptes, augur, schoenobates, medicus, magus, omnia nouit Graeculus esuriens: in caelum iusseris ibit

2. Et vidi et audivi vocem unius Aquilae volantis per medium caelum dicentis voce magna vae vae vae habitantibus in terra de ceteris vocibus tubae trium angelorum qui erant tuba canitur

3. Sentence 820684 "Si quis in caelum ascendisset naturamque mundi et pulchritudinem siderum perspexisset, insuavem illam Admirationem ei fore; quae iucundissima fuisset, si aliquem, cui narraret, habuisset

4. Unde et Moyses, postquam dixerat, in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram, subdit, dixit Deus, fiat lux, ad manifestationem divini verbi; et postea dixit, vidit Deus lucem, quod esset bona, ad ostendendum Approbationem divini amoris; et similiter in aliis operibus.

5. Verum ergo illud est quod a Tarentino Archyta, ut opinor, dici solitum nostros senes commemorare audivi ab aliis senibus auditum: 'si quis in caelum ascendisset naturamque mundi et pulchritudinem siderum perspexisset, insuavem illam Admirationem ei fore; quae iucundissima fuisset, si aliquem, cui narraret, habuisset.'

6. The relevant passage from the Vita describing a cross formed by the souls of martyrs reads as follows: "vidit caelum apertum, et Crucem Domini aureo Coruscantem fulgore, et ex utraque parte lapidibus pretiosis ornatam: et audivit vocem sibi dicentem: Haec quae cernis, animae sunt Sanctorum, qui pro Christo Domino stolas suas in sanguine agni

7. Celestial (adj.) late 14c., "pertaining to the sky or the visible heavens; pertaining to the Christian or pagan heaven," from Old French Celestial "Celestial, heavenly, sky-blue," from Latin caelestis "heavenly, pertaining to the sky," from caelum "heaven, sky; abode of the gods; climate," which is of uncertain origin; perhaps from PIE *kaid-slo-, perhaps from a root also found in Germanic and